FaceBook Question

by is there help out there 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • is there help out there
    is there help out there

    Is it possable that the the things you place on FaceBook in one teens and early 20s could hart you later on in life. Like pictures of you at a bar wasted,

    you as a girl kissing another girl etc. Pictures of your friend drinking etc. I have heard when you apply for collage or a job that they do a search on the

    web to get info on your backround and the FaceBook and simular site would show negitave info about you and you would not get the job you apply for

    or get accepeted to collage .

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Of course. Any negative information about you anywhere on the internet is subject to turn up when you don't want it to. There is no privacy on the internet.

  • Purza

    Absolutely. I have heard of that happening and it is something you should take into consideration before you post anything "damning".


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Once an image is on the internet there is not a way to guarantee it never getting out to haunt you. You could have a repentant streak and delete it, but it could be on literally hundreds of thousands of hard drives. And like a ticking bomb it could explode into the public eye and ruin you as a school eacher, governor, senator or pioneer sister.

  • tenyearsafter

    I know of many employers that routinely check the internet and sites such as Facebook, MySpace, etc...if they see something they would consider inappropriate, that is the end of the line. Things propagate on the web and are then nearly impossible to get back. My advice...don't put anything on the web you wouldn't want a prospective college interviewer, employer, spouse or significant other to see.

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