... a small thrill from demonstrating to JWs how similar they are to the catholics and other religions they hypocritically abhor?
Does anyone get ...
by SPAZnik 5 Replies latest jw friends
It doesn't turn me on...
I had a discussion with a pioneer sister recently about the societys methods of dealing with child abuse.
She began defending the society, she wanted to talk about all the charity work the society does (eye-roll here).
I said "the catholic church is way bigger and richer then the society. They do far more charity work then the sociery ever dreamed of, correct?"
She was forced to agree with me.
Then I asked her if that excused the catholics for how they handled pedophile priests.
Of course she had to agree with me again and then she remembered something else she needed to be doing................
"Then I asked her if that excused the catholics for how they handled pedophile priests."
Brilliant Judo move Asphere!
It doesn't turn me on...
how 'bout knowing you've contributed to a moment of cognitive dissonance for a loved dub, on whatever topic, giving them pause?
it's rare for me, but it feels great when that happens. it kind of seems to soften the sharpest edges of my loved dub, making him a wee little more tolerable each time we interact. then again, there are times when it feels altogether pointless, too. mostly i don't get caught up in it, but once in a while it feels great to stand up for my perspective against all odds of ever being understood.
nicely put, Asphere...