I have a lot of them but this one my wife told me takes the cake!
My wife was about 15 yrs old and was attending the bookstudy at this sister's house. The sister's hubby was a non-believer but her daughter was a jw and was married to my wife's uncle who was also a jw. The study had been at this home for over a year and things were pretty normal for jw's anyways.
Until one evening when the bookstudy was into the 2nd half and the sister's unbelieving mate came home drunk. He went to the back of the house and it was quiet for a moment then he started hollering for his wife to go back there with him. Well, she went back there to shut the door and tell him to stfu and then she returned to her seat. Well about a minute later the guy came out wearing only his wife-beater tee shirt and nothing else. He steps out from the hallway with a semi rigid dingus dripping prostate secretion fluid. This produced a horrifying reaction from most of the study attendees, a humorous one from my wife's uncle, and a happy one from the man. He kept on shouting Ven paca' vieja nalgona! Mira, se le esta caendo la baba! La baba! Tranlastion: Come here big-bottomed woman! It's drooling for you! It's drooling!
He took his wife by the hand and took her to their bedroom and the festivities began. The conductor actually tried to keep the study going! Even as everyone could hear the goings on in the back of the house. What an idiot. My wife had never seen a grown man naked before so she was traumatized, her uncle was laughing his head off, and the guy's daughter was crying. Everyone sort of just left the conductor and reader sitting there.
No prayer was said.
The bookstudy was moved.