It was not because of wickedness(humans/materialized angels).It was due to a defective design
of animals.You see when God created the DINOSAURS and they kept multipying at terrific pace.There were
the Argentinosaurus(135 feet long),Argyrosaurus (70Ft,22 tons),Brachiosaurus (45 Ft tall,85 Ft long,60 tons)
Tyrannosaurus Rex a hugh meat eating dinosaur (40Ft long,20 Ft tall) all the way to a Zigongosaurus(35 Ft 20 tons)
These hugh creatures were depleting the food supply and were ruining the Earth.Plus their FARTS stank to
high heaven and God could not stand the stinky FARTS any more .So God saw the badness and destructiveness
of the Dinosaurs.And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made Dinosaurs in the Earth,and felt hurt at his heart plus
the stink of the farts in his nostrils.So Jehovah said:"I am going to wipe those F%%% stinking farting DINO's
off the the surface of the Earth"That my friend is why you do not see any dinosaurs today.The true story of
the flood.