Thanks all who comment here

by excito-are 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • excito-are

    I would like to say a big thankyou to all that have commented here. A really big thankyou.

    As having being brought up as a JW, and believing all that sprouted from Bethel as fact, there is no doubt this discussion board has speeded up my awakening as well as many other sources and experiances. I have tended to take a lot from this site, and not give much feedback or my experiances as an Jw, which I would like to change. I intend as of next week to write up a little as to what has happened in my jw world. As a brother in good standing who has just had his picture taken for local papers, performing in the local kirk "The Passion" ( In which I played Caiaphas, feels good being the baddy, hehe) I wonder what the body of elders will do? However, due to many comments here and books ( nonetheless the bible) read, I no longer care or worry. Was just a quick thank you.


  • BizzyBee


  • oompa

    just be careful may want some of your old dub friends.....many are good...GREAT people....just messed up since birth too..........good luck........oompa

  • excito-are


    One of the many, whoom comments make so much sense. I really am past the stage of needing those who are my friends because of birth in ones Religion. It does hurt none the less that there is a good chance many I consider friends may now turn against me. It is my parents i realy feel for when news hits them from the jw or myself soon.


  • mouthy

    excito....Do be careful..It is GREAT that your seeing the WT for what it is.
    But try not to really hurt your MUM & Dad.Could you not fade????I hope you realize
    that you will be treated like a leper.I know!!!! I am treated just like that.
    I hope you still believe in God...If so pray about HOW you go about exiting.

    Welcome to the siite & God Bless (((((((((HUG))))))))))))))))))))

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome to the board. You're gonna love it here!

  • ziddina

    Welcome, excito-are. Good to have you on the board!

    I left the JWs about 24 years ago, after having built an escape route. I had made the mistake of marrying a JW (he drank, gambled, and refused to earn enough to do more than subsist living in his van) but made sure I never had kids. I obtained some training so I could support myself, and developed 'worldly' friends and interests. My exit was made much smoother because my parents had beaten me into the religion, so I had very little love left for them anyway.

    I wish you all the best results and effects in this bold step you're taking. Everyone here on the board is here for you! Just ask questions; most of the people here have gone thru what you may be going thru, and they're ready and willing to help! Zid

  • diamondiiz

    It's so sad that your perants are in WTS religion. If your perants are normal people with capability to reason, talk to them first and point out the history using WTS publications. Reason with them about WTS history and how could WTS have God's blessing when they lied their way through history and decieved so many. You can reason that the light that suppose to get brighter shouldn't bounce back and forth but enlighten the idea of understanding a subject. History of 1914 may help as so much of WTS dogma is based on it and now they're trying to bury the facts including eliminating the generation that would see the end. Try to make your peace with your perants first before you give wts you DA letter so when the news hits them they will understand where you stand and why you're doing what you've decided on. Maybe they will hear twisted lies about you from others in which they will see that is not what you believe and why you left WTS, that might also help them see what WTS really is. If your parents are heavily programmed by WTS so that they won't reason or will not even hear you, then you will have to choose your path which as some mentioned, fading may be your better option. All the best.

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