how many here lead a double life?...and for how long...and for how long will you?
by oompa 9 Replies latest jw friends
oompa will not let me edit.......but i sure as hell do......and many of my jwd friends do too............tough aint it?........oompa since third grade as a raised in too........
Am out. 10 years and I know that no reform will ever come in my life time. ( 10 years ago I fisrt awoke to not is all well )
I smoked occasionally, viewed porn, swore a lot, drank a lot, and smoked grass a few times as a JW.
I don't think I was different from most JWs.
Could not live a double life as a JW. Once realized it was a lie, had to walk away
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I used to look at porno all the time I was a young jw. I behaved according to their rules with that exception. I guess that's a double life....
I abided by the rules as best as I could, save for normal human emotion and desire (I did not actually watch porn, listen to dirty songs, or any of those things while I was in). But, when they decided that I had to completely forgo the opposite sex and just meet men (and presumably do the Value Destroyer Training School), I had enough.
And, since then I started blowing off boasting sessions and field circus, getting those "bad" songs, and eventually going apostate. And I will not set foot inside a Kingdumb Hell (hopefully they are wasting their time worrying about me, and end up messing up numerous calls because of it). As of now, I hope I am completely blocking the flow of Unholy Spirit--at least I am not pretending to be a witless.
I lived a double life for 7 years before I left. I guess longer if you start from when I decided I was an athiest, that would make it 9 or 10 years. I drank from the time I left home at 17, tried cigs, tried some other drugs, partied and associated with "worldly" people. The whole time I was a ministerial servant and considered in good standing. The only thing I didn't do was fornicate. First time I did that, I turned myself in and surprisingly enough was not repentant so I was DFed. Good ridance.
No double life, just multiple personalities... Zid
me Sir - have known it is a pack of lies since 1998. I can probably keep going a little longer -Theocratic Warfare Strategy