My wife & I received a memorial invitation a couple of days before the event,from my neice.Her mother who is no longer associated was also given an invitation. Her grandmother who was never associated with witnesses was never given an invitation. The witness has little contact with her mother unless she want`s something eg.mind the kids while she does her own thing . So their has been no contact with the witness and her mother for years unless it was to her interest/advantage.The witness never brings her young children to visit their great grandmother,they have no relathionship with her .We as her uncle and aunt,have never been visited by her or her husband,since we have moved in the same locality for the past 18 months.Also the witness never contacts or enquire after her siblings (who were once associated ) even after one has had a baby while married. And her husband has never bothered to contact any of us in any circumstances.The witness mother has recently seperated from a failed marriage,which promted,as well, a talk from the K.H. The invitation!!! Isn`t that just bloody hypocritical???? And they just dont get it. And to cap it off the witness stated that since her mothers marriage breakup she see`s how family is so important. SINCE THE MEMORIAL WE HAVEN`T SEEN HIDE NOR HAIR OF HER ( because we didn`t GO?)