How do you tell the difference between an ASSET and a LIABILITY?
Well, jokes aside, one very good and very simple test is this:
"An asset feeds you, and a liability eats you."
To apply this test, imagine a situation in which the asset/liability was left on its own, with no action form you.
Although I strongly believe that it is a great idea to own your own home, I disagree with those who say that a home is an asset. It doesn't pass the test. Left to itself, your house will eat you.
Even if your house is completely paid off and you have the deed in your hot little hand, your house and the land it is on is a liability. It eats you with maintenance costs and with taxes.
Remember this simple test when the guy at the boat dealership is trying to talk you into how much you need the asset that he is so unselfishly offering you.
Many things that people think of as assets are really liabilities when viewed in this light.
I'm sure not everyone agrees with this test. I invite you to make your case here.