ok..have not seen this before...how many here feel totally trapped in jw land??
by oompa 5 Replies latest jw friends
and what is keepin you even kinda in??????........oompa........it would not take an edit btw
I used to feel trapped oompa, but am feeling a new taste of freedom now, though sadly with so many family members and friends still in, I feel as though the borg still has some sort of hold on me, if that makes sense....
Though when I look at a few of my family still in, I feel sad for them as they look genuinely trapped, like deer eyes caught in the headlights, they want to move out of the way but are too constrained by the pharisees... Fortunately, one of them is starting to ask a lot of questions that like me will bring on the fade. I think that what keeps a lot of people stuck in JW land is the consequence of family relationships. At least it did with me...
PS - As you are from NC, do you know of a c/o or elder in NC or SC by the name of "Sims or Simms?"
matt....do not know him......but that is what keeps so many of us in.....losing all friends and family is a power the elders definitely have...dammt......oompa
Homerovah the Almighty
Entrapped into repressive ignorance is a tuff way to go especially when its unnecessary and personally damaging
to an individual. To clearly get the Borg out of ones mind you first have to fully understand and comprehend why and how it existed
in the first place, turning history back to where it all started. One thing thats important in my opinion is the background business structure
that was been established at its roots and how it progressed throughout the years.
The truth shall set you free, thats if you want to be set free.
trapped..... the wife keeps me in. thats it. if i didnt care for her so much i would be gone. i gotta break some day though.........