Swine Flu in California?

by sammielee24 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    I know there was a lot of fear around the swine flu if it was able to spread human to human..it seems that this article is confirming that it has. Has anyone got a flu shot for it? sammieswife.

    Swine H1N1 In Southern California Children Raise ConcernsRecombinomics Commentary 01:27
    April 22, 2009

    Patient A. On April 13, 2009, CDC was notified of a case of respiratory illness in a boy aged 10 years who lives in San Diego County, California. The patient had onset of fever, cough, and vomiting on March 30, 2009.

    The patient's mother had respiratory symptoms without fever in the first few days of April 2009, and a brother aged 8 years had a respiratory illness 2 weeks before illness onset in the patient and had a second illness with cough, fever, and rhinorrhea on April 11, 2009.

    patient B, is a girl aged 9 years who resides in Imperial County, California, adjacent to San Diego County. On March 28, 2009, she had onset of cough and fever (104.3°F [40.2°C]).

    The patient's brother aged 13 years had influenza-like symptoms on April 1, 2009, and a male cousin aged 13 years living in the home had influenza-like symptoms on March 25, 2009, 3 days before onset of the patient's symptoms.

    The above comments from today’s MMWR dispatch describe two children in southern California infected with H1N1 swine flu. The isolates are similar and have an unusual constellation of genes. Although all 8 are reported as being swine, the NA and MP sequences are European, while the other 6 gene segments are North American. The HA, NA, and MP sequences of A/California/04/2009 have been placed on deposit at GISAID.

    The lack of contact between the two children, as well as a lack of contact with swine, suggests the virus is spreading human to human. Although both children recovered, the presence of swine H1N1 in humans raises concerns of recombination with H1N1 seasonal flu, including the acquisition of H274Y.

    Moreover, the 1918 pandemic strain was a recombinant between human H1N1 and swine H1N1.

    The likely ability of this swine H1N1 to transmit efficiently in humans is cause for concern.

  • Robdar

    she had onset of cough and fever (104.3°F [40.2°C]).

    Swine flu is back?

    I am recently recovered from the worse case of flu I've had in over 15 years. My fever roasted me at over 104 degrees f. I was out of my mind for about 48 hours until the fever broke. I really didn't think I would live to tell the tale. I wonder why the doc didn't order a test to see what kind of flu strain it was?

    This past winter it seems like everybody had the flu here in the midwest. Biggest outbreak I've ever noticed.

  • palmtree67

    I work at a Dr.'s office. We just got a fax this morn from the Minister of Health about this. Definate confirmed cases of swine flu in California. All clinics are to "carry out surveillance." For patients presenting with fever and cough, we are to keep them 1 meter distant from others in the waiting room or isolate in a private room.

    There are also clusters of outbreaks in south and central Mexico, Egypt, China and Vietnam. In case anyone is travelling.

  • sammielee24
    keep them 1 meter distant

    Is it possible for you to give a hint as to what country you live in? sammieswife.

  • palmtree67

    I'm in Canada.

    And frequent hand-washing is still your best defense.

  • happpyexjw

    I remember the swine flu scare in the 70s when they did a mass innoculation drive. I dutifully lined up for my shot and had a horrendous reaction to it. I spent three days in an incoherent, feverish misery. Then they determined there was something wrong with the vaccine and stopped the shots. I had all but forgotten about it.

  • sammielee24

    This is the report from the WHN..

    Infectious Disease

    New Strain of Swine Flu Investigated David Brown (The Washington Post, April 22, 2009) "Public health authorities are investigating two highly unusual cases of a previously unknown strain of swine flu that was found in the San Diego area late last month. The cases occurred almost simultaneously in children who had no contact with pigs or each other, a scenario that raised the possibility that the illnesses may be the sign of an emerging pandemic strain of influenza. More than 50 scientists and epidemiologists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta are studying the strain, and dozens of public health investigators in Southern California are looking for more cases among the those who had contact with the children. ‘While we have a low index of suspicion that this is a pandemic, we're being very careful in our investigation to rule out every possibility,’ said Lyn Finelli, an epidemiologist in the CDC's influenza division."
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