I need some information to bring up in casual conversation with my bol. He was df'd about six months ago, but he is still convinced it is the truth. I need some scriptural accounts where the "governing body" resembles the pharisees. Maybe someone has other suggestions for "non-confontational" conversation points. I want him to read coc but I think it is too early and he would reject it as apostate.
Topic for conversation for DF'd bol
by spoopy 3 Replies latest jw friends
Mrs. Fiorini
You can ask him if there's anything he likes about being out now. Something he is now free to do, ask, say, etc.
If he wants to get re-instated ask to have the elders show him from the bible the WTS rules for re-instatment.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Hey spoo...,
On the subject of the "Governing Body" and scriptural accounts, the first question is, "Where do the words 'governing body' appear in the Scriptures? That's an easy one... nowhere. That term is a JW invention, completely. The expression appears thousands of times in Botchtower litteratrash, but not even once in their own NWT bible. They project the concept into a couple of scriptural passages and *BAM*, you have a small group with complete control.
They don't use the example of Jesus' twelve apostles ruling the Christian Congregation, because they clearly weren't "rulers". Although they claim from the account in Acts 15 that the first century "governing body" was in Jerusalem, verse 2 only refers to the group as "the apostles and older men". Really, it was just the local elders and "apostles" that listen to both sides of the issue of circumcision and made a decision that it wasn't necessary for Christians. So, if Paul was commissioned afterward to spread the word of this decision by the "all powerful Governing Body" and no more circumcision, why did he do what he did in the third verse of the very next chapter? He circumcised Timothy. Yeah, Paul was real impressed and real obedient to the GB, right?
So, what is the Governing Body a mirror image of? Check this out from Insight Vol 2 under "Synagogue":
*** it-2 p. 1052 Synagogue ***Among other respects in which the synagogue served as a precursor of the Christian assemblies are the following: The local synagogues recognized the authority of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, even as Christian congregations recognized the authority of the governing body at Jerusalem, as Acts chapter 15 so clearly shows.
So, the JW authority structure is based on the Jewish Sanhedrin. The same "governing body" which condemned the Christ to death. And that's supposed to be a good thing?
Is that any help that you were looking for?
B the X