I think it is a scam unless someone prove me otherwise! Anyone?
Google is paying $200-$300 everyday to work from home!
by asilentone 8 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know about this.
But I'm hoping to make tons of money for sending tons of spam email for Bill Gates.
Please send me your email so I can get you on my list. (You will get a kickback, too)
He sends checks all the time.
Good Morning America says so!
I just got that email about Bill Gates again from a friend a little while ago. I sent her the Snopes link saying it's false.
It's amazing how those things take on a life of their own and can't be stopped. What's more amazing is that people believe them.
An elders wife sent this to everyone right after a meeting, sent us four of them. I emailed back and asked why she sent it. Never heard. Wonder why?
Don't you know when I am joking???
While you're at it I have a religion I'd like to sell you.............
Yes, look at the return address. I sort of suspect that google doesn't use hotmail and yahoo accounts.
This "opportunity" will likely cost you something like $30 or more a month, and it will dead-end short of getting you your money. Most of them do.