I thought I was having a Good Day

by Decided 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Decided

    I had fixed my commode, it had a broken bolt that holds it to the floor. I had got my car license, had it inspected and was going to take a little ride in the country. As I passed my step-son's house there was an ambulance in his yard. I stoped and my grandson had overdosed on alcohol and pills and had passed out and they couldn't revive him. He's in the hospital now. Later on I got a message that my wife's nephew had been killed at his home, the second son of my wifes sister to die in six months. Then another nephew of my wife was in a motorcycle accident and had been in surgery for 6 hours. Not really a good day.

    Ken P.

  • carla

    How awful, I'm so sorry.

  • LouBelle

    I had nothing to say so left without leaving a post, but then thought perhaps coming on here and just letting you know I was here and you're in my thoughts would be better.

  • StAnn

    Wow. This is horrible. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. How is your wife holding up?

    St. Ann

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Ken,

    So sorry for all this grief. You're in our thoughts and prayers ...


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