Take the Money and...Run!

by journey-on 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • journey-on

    Is it feasible that with the Watch Tower Corporation owning all or most of the assets of the organization, including Kingdom Halls and their property, they could just take the money and run?

    Since dividing into multiple corporations, and the WTS separating from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, do you think this could happen?

  • WTWizard

    It would lock in their money, but it would cost them control of everyone that they have in the cancer. Which is why I doubt that they would cash in like that.

  • recovering

    they are a non profit corporation . us law would get involved . there are very specific restrictions on the disposal of assets once a non profit is disolved.

  • journey-on

    If they planned on dissolving it all, just say, and money was to be transferred to the "shareholders", who would that be?


    Check out the thread on the sale of Assembly Halls in Argentina.........Poor JW`s paid for them.....The WBT$ is selling them.....Guess who get the money?? ..The WBT$!!.................The WBT$ steals from the Poor!!.................OUTLAW

  • journey-on

    Does anybody know who the people are (names) that would get the distribution of monies should the WBT$ dissolve? I'm sure there are a handful of families that would benefit somehow. SOMEBODY --- individuals --- run this corp. ! Who are they?


    Journey-on..The WBT$ is a multi Billion Dollar corporation..The WBT$ and I both own shares in the Rand Cam Engine Corp..The WBT$ owns 50%..The worth of Rand Cam is Staggering!!..That is just one company they have a piece of..............The WBT$ won`t be disolving soon..The poor JW`s in Argentina are going to get screwed on this deal..And..There`s not a dam thing they can do about it!!...............................OUTLAW

  • diamondiiz

    All they need is a shadow bank account in some offshore land where US government can't see the transactions. IMO if they can do it slowly overtime they will use BS excuses why they need to sell this and that asset, report increased expenses for missionaries and such if they have to report anything to the feds, while at the same time bloat a shadow account or a holding company offshore. I don't think they will shut the doors over night but very possibly cash in, in many places and make watchtower witness congregations squeeze into one building instead of two or three. Excuses can very with most likely BS story being that it being done for the benefit of the people who cannot affort the upkeep of all these building due to global crisis. As the crises continues to worsen they will continue making watchtower witnesses do with less and still try to fleece them at the conventions/assemblies which may end up being rented instead of being owned as they are now. I truely believe that this crises as it worsens will give GB one last excuse that the end is near and it will be a repeat of 1975 on a grander scale.

    They have enough lawyers and accountants to know the ins and outs of the way of moving money around without getting caught - it can't happen over night and that's one drawback for them.

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