any takers?
OLDIES;any weird/strange stories to tell
by badboy 6 Replies latest jw friends
Alco Cop
O.K. I'm in. This is one my many experiences that made me what I am today.
As a police officer / investigator I was "unexemplary" (according to Corporate) in the congregation. My police department had investigated an internal theft from the local WM Super Store. It turned out to be the son of a local elder. On the surveillance tape we could see the elders son actually look up at the security camera as he stole money from the cash register in the sporting goods dept. What an arrogant piece of work. We arrested him. He was prosecuted. Later I found out he was caught stealing money from the contribution boxes at our local KH. As a pioneer he was given a key. I know this because, at the time, my Dad and two of my brothers were Elders and another brother was a MS. This incident was not reported to my police department but was covered up by the suspects daddy and the PO at the time. A lot of water under the bridge since then but here's a screen shot: My Dad is not an elder. My Brothers are no longer elders. My other Brother is not a MS. I was "unexemplary" just because I continued in law enforcment work and then in 1983 Corporate decided I was "reprehensible" for staying in that profession. Now I'm DF'd. The arrogant POS that was a thief? He's in good standing...
F.H. usa
that is crazy Alco.
my story isn't as crazy.
I got married to my hubby after he gave a letter of proof of adultery that his ex-wife wrote. basicallt stating that she had made him scripturally free MANY times over in 6 years since the divorce she filed for.
I had a baby 1 year after we were married.
the elder in my home congregation had told everyone not to go to my baby shower party given by my new congreagation. beacuse there was some question ( no proof) just question about loose conduct before we were married.
Karma had her revenge. His oldest daughter moved out from under his strict control with to df'd sisters and sleep with the whole football team so to speak.
I hope this elder eats shit and dies. and if the elder is reading this he know who he is. just pm me brother and I will tell you how I really feel.
Mostly made up stuff.
A morbidly obese woman who suddenly came down with Anorexia during the airing of the Karen Carpenter Story, had to threaten suicide in order to get admitted to the hospital (because what a surprise, they didn't believe her). We visited the next day and found her eating a giant bag of chips with a big bottle of soda. She was a young widow like 3x over, all husbands died mysterious accidental deaths.
A girl who grew a penis and later became a prostitute, all because she took birth control pills for teenage gynecological problems, disregarding the elders' advice not to take the Unholy Pill.
People with every possible type of real and imagined relationship/financial problem, emotional/physical illness, etc. Also lots of leeches who sucked the dubs dry of every penny, bit of free time, and ounce of sympathy.
Lots of talking smurfs, troll dolls, garage sale items, and Ouija boards.
We also had some very real horrid things happen. A quadruple murder-suicide, a bro killed his wife and 2 young children. A MS found to be in possession of a large amount of stolen goods in his garage. Lots of birth defects, miscarriages, tragic deaths, high-profile accidents, rapes. Something big was always happening. It was exhausting.
I can't even remember it all. It was like a combination soap opera/carnival side show.
"Combination soap opera/carnival side show."
That is soooo my life! Maybe I will tell my whole story one day.
I'm just happy to have a little peace right now, from the soap opera/carnival side show.