Brother Marley Cole has been "harvested."

by Nathan Natas 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "He's dead, Jim."

    Friday, 17 April 2009. Fern led the way in May 2002.

    Marley was USED by the WTB&TS, just like the rest of the great crowd.

    The WTB&TS wanted a book to counter Schnell's "Watchtower Slave," and so Marley wrote that "Jehovah's Witnesses: The New World Society" in 1955 with the full blessing of Nathan Knorr. The book sold well because Dubs were told from the podium of their Kingdom Halls to GO OUT AND BUY THAT BOOK.

    But a couple of years later, in 1957, it was a different story. Marley wrote the second book, titled "Theocratic Kingdom" probably hoping for sales similar to the first, except that ol' Nathan stayed silent. The book was a flop.

    Being functionally insane (one definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting to get different results), Marley published a THIRD book in 1996. But this time, VANTAGE (a big New York vanity press) wanted nothing to do with it, because Cole's second book did so poorly.

    So Cole had his third book published in paperback by STOOPS Publishing, a JW owned & operated company that came to his rescue. As far as I know, the book is unavailable today because it sold even less than book #2.

    Today the books can be found on the Internet for free, which is almost their true worth. If you get the all 3 books AND a corned-beef sandwich for nothing, then it's a deal.

    Marley Cole's 3rd book

    Soylent Green is Marley!

  • AllTimeJeff

    He's a relative of mine.... I think he's my uncle, but I don't know who to believe in my family these days.....

    It's probably good we never met....


    The guy looks severly medicated..I wonder how many bodys were buried in his back yard?......................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • garybuss

    I'm gonna read up on that mule ride. There might be a connection to them jack-asses that I know here.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I just need last names, thats all. Let me know how it goes....

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