Soooo... since I'm still on 'probation', I have a lotta time to kill in between my 24-hour sentences until I am once again, allowed to enter the inner sanctum. So I've been busy... (Idle hands ... you know the shpiel)
I'm gonna need some help with this but thought I'd show you my first rough draft... Let me know what you think. I have taken the office Wank Word Bingo and applied it to the JWs. Here we go:
Do you have trouble staying awake during Kingdom Hall Meetings? Are your meetings boring and repetitive? Well, now, you are saved!
How To Play: It’s Easy! Simply tick off the words or phrases on the card below as they are mentioned during the meeting and when you have a total of 5, yell out BINGO!
Watchtower | Last Days | Other Sheep | Bible Student | Faithful and Discreet Slave |
Porneia | Elders | New System | The Anointed | Wicked |
Apostasy | Circuit Overseer | Kingdom Ministry | Time Of The End | Ministerial Servant |
Governing Body | Blood Fractions | Disassociated | Pioneering | Sisters |
Field Service | Unclean Spirits | Awake! | End Times | One True Religion |
Rank and File | The Society | Jehovah’s Witnesses | New World Translation | Branch Overseer |
Disfellowshipped | Assembly | The Truth | The Great Crowd | Unspiritual |
Bethel | Worldly | New Light | 144,000 | Disloyal |
Christendom | Publisher’s Report Card | Kingdom Hall | Apostate | Fornication |
1914 | Door-To-Door | Demons | District Overseer | Satan |
Testimonials from other Players:
“I had only been in the meeting 5 minutes and I yelled Bingo!”
“My attention span has improved immensely.”
“The atmosphere was tense as 32 of us listened intently for the elusive 5 th. ”
“The elders were gobsmacked as we all screamed BINGO for the 3 rd time in an hour.”
“People are now even listening to mumblers thanks to Wank Words.”
“I feel that the game has enhanced the overall quality of our meetings on a quid pro quo basis.”
“I can’t wait for the next meeting!”