Do JWs frequently report more time devoted to their ministry than actually spent perhaps for image reasons or to keep other PEOPLE happy?
Watching the Clock
by The Berean 7 Replies latest jw friends
i remember as a kid bro's and sis counting time out to lunch, or just sitting in a parking lot gossiping. all i could think is im missing sat morning cartoons dang it.
I would think so.
YES! It's all about keeping up appearances, I should know, I was guilty as charged officer.....
We have a mix of rural and suburban territory ( I say we, though I no longer go), during Auxillary pioneer months, car loads will go from a suburban r/v to a rural one maybe 40 minutes away, loiter around, have a coffee then return to another suburban r/v then even back to a rural one, just for the sake of "putting in a big day for Jehovah".
The last time I was an auxillary pioneer, I stopped going out halfway during the month and said to my wife how corrupt it is, I couldnt do it anymore as it wasn't heartfelt service.... Still put down the 50 hours on the report though....... From that time till I faded, I rarely put a report in even if I did go out. Putting in a report is such a wank.....
Y E S.
Next question.... :-)
Yes. It´s eaiser and more rewarding to write down several hours done, instead of the 30 min you actually spent ministaring
no more kool aid
One hour really did feel like ten
"One hour really did feel like ten"-- No one should feel guilty for lying on the time card, you simply mixed up how long it felt with actual time in minutes! easy mistake.