Get your barf buckets ready for the new JW email.........

by still_in74 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • still_in74

    I got this sent to me recently. Its about an earthquake that JW's survived thanks to the WTS's instructions on how to prepare. Of course though, all the deaths are not the fault of the earthquake but rather the Catholic church for not preparing the people like the WTS had the dubs. Typical WTS spin..... Vomit

    Religion can save person’s life or it can lead them into the Kingdom of Heaven (earlier than anticipated). In Abruzzo, the [ ]Jehovah's Witnesses were saved while the Catholics went to Heaven.

    Before the earthquake struck, the Jehovah’s Witnesses [ ]warned the members of their community about the danger. They were advised to sleep in their cars and to make sure they had suitcases with them, containing the necessary items. They all survived.

    Were none of the Bishops, Deans or Parish Priests not fully in the picture regarding what was about to happen? Did they not see any need to warn anyone about the danger? Perhaps, perhaps not. The church bells remained deathly silent. The voice of the Church failed to make even the slightest sound prior to the earthquake. If Bertolaso had been a Jehovah’s Witness, the people of Abruzzo would not now be mourning the death of hundreds of people. As for [ ]Radio Maria, in their opinion the earthquake was simply God’s will and perhaps He wanted the people of Abruzzo to share the pain of his Passion...

    "Dear Mr. Beppe Grillo,

    This writer is a member of a section of the Abruzzo community that, thanks be to God, remained unscathed (except for the fear) because the people live on the coast.

    I cannot blame you for highlighting the fact that a lot more could have been done, especially considering that that L’Aquila had been feeling strong seismic shocks for a number months prior to the actual earthquake.

    What I am about to tell you is proof of this fact.

    I have many relatives and acquaintances that belong to the Jehovah’s Witness Religion. They are a very close-knit community and are always ready to help each other and so, when the earthquake struck, the nearby communities immediately sprang into action to go and help their brethren in need.

    Following a request from my son, who is himself an active Jehovah’s Witness, and also because I simply wanted to do something useful to help, I agreed to open my house and began to prepare for the arrival of a family (a couple with two children). I tried to think about what they might need urgently should they have lost everything as a result of the earthquake.

    Imagine my surprise when they arrived with their luggage in tow!

    They explained that weeks earlier, at their weekly meetings, all of the communities had been advised regarding how to prepare themselves in order to ensure that they would be ready in the event of a potential catastrophe. The matter had been dealt with in great detail and they had been given proper and practical instructions regarding what they should do: prepare suitcases containing all the basic necessities, not only clothing, but also blankets, some rations and some bottled water. Cars should always be ready and loaded up for an immediate departure, not parked in the garage, but in a safe parking place out in the open. Mobile phones should always be kept at hand.

    All this was drawn from a little booklet entitled "Wake up", which had been printed lasted year and that dealt specifically with this topic.

    As a matter of fact, of the more than 200 Jehovah’s Witnesses residing in L’Aquila , not a single one was killed during the earthquake. I am also certain that many other people, including relatives and neighbours, owe their lives to the fact that this information was made available.

    I was absolutely amazed!

    It is incredible to realise that, by following a few simple rules, a small religious community managed to save so many lives! Then I asked myself what would have happened if all of the towns’ residents had received the same, very practical information?

    I now leave it to you to draw your own conclusions.

    I would like to express a heartfelt THANK YOU for all of the battles that you take on!" M.B.

  • WTWizard

    That sure sounds like a blatant lie.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    All this was drawn from a little booklet entitled "Wake up", which had been printed lasted year and that dealt specifically with this topic.

    All this is common knowledge. Anyone who lives by a fault line should have learned basic earthquake survival skills by the time they were 12. What a load of BS.

  • dozy

    Here is another JW email on the Italian earthquake (memo to self - must start putting junk filter on these emails). Why do JWs always have to insist that they are first on the scene?

    We're sure you heard about the earthquake here in Aquila, and we thought you might like to hear how the story is unfolding. The earthquake hit in the early morning hours and by 9:00 AM wed. we had a special meeting at the KH in Aquila with brothers from bethel, CO’s, DO’s and local elders with the regional construction crews.

    Some of the families were sent down to the assembly hall in Roseto where they had trailers waiting for them so they’d have a safe place to stay. The tremors continued and there was a particularly large one felt all the way down in Rome within 24 hrs. of the first.

    One sister relates how she and her brother started looking right away for the friends and helped several that were blocked inside of their houses. There were a few of the older ones that were not responding to their cell phones and couldn’t be located temporarily. You could imagine the immense joy when everyone met on the pre-assigned plaza and everyone was accounted for!

    One young pioneer wrote a SMS on the cell phone: “Don’t worry about me, I’m staying with a family of brothers I just met. They bought me a re-charge for my cell phone which is now my only possession and I’ve been keeping in touch with the friends. This will be the first Memorial that I’m not worried about what I’ll be wearing. None of us have anything but the shirt on our backs and we don’t even care! We are happy to be alive and attend another Memorial together with all the brothers that thankfully made it.”

    Another wrote, “ At the assembly last week we were reminded about the sadness that Jesus felt when his cousin John the Baptist was be-headed. Remember that he withdrew to be alone but a crowd arrived and he ended up witnessing to them, building a hope in their hearts for the future. That is exactly what is happening to us here in Abruzzi. Several of us felt the need to withdraw and mourn over our loss, but it was impossible.

    There were too many people mourning with no hope, no future. We ended up witnessing, taking care of them and inviting them to the Memorial. We were still sad at the end of the day but not empty.”

    The brothers set-up a trailer-city which you can easily spot from the village of Popoli in a parking lot of a commercial center. There are now some 70 trailers there and the brothers that were down in Roseto at the assembly hall have returned to Aquila. They set-up a tent in the parking-lot in front of the K.H. there in Abruzzi for the Memorial and there was 118 present. Another 111 were still down in Roseto for the Memorial.

    The assembly hall in Roseto was quickly converted into a deposit with clothing, blankets, food, water, supplies etc. contributed by the brothers from all over Italy. In one parking lot in a neighboring village (Foligno) a man came up to some of the brothers loading a truck with boxes. He asked who they were and where they were sending it to. They explained they were Jehovah’s Witnesses and that they were preparing this for their brothers and anyone else in need in Aquila. He right away contributed several cases of food form a large chain-food store stating, “I’m sure this will get to those in need with you people”.

    Several congregations flat-out bought camping trailors for the brothers to have a place to sleep at night and sent them to Aquila. Others put together packages of clothing to have ready before the Memorial and everyone sent food and other needed items. The town remained pleasantly surprised at how fast bethel together with the regional committee sent specialists into the area to insure water, electricity, medical personal, food & sustenance to the locals there. As usual, they were the first to respond and be on hand.

    We had 390 here in Florence for our Memorial in Spanish and we're up to about 130 publishers divided into 2 congregations & 1 group. We were only 180 for the Memorial 3 years ago so the huge wave of immigration is working to our advantage in this field. Italy is barely hanging on by it's seams with the ever increasing population, but it's ok with us.

  • Elsewhere

    Are they saying that the JW leadership predicted the earthquake?


    The WBT$ can predict Earth Quakes,Hurricanes and when the Pope is going to Fart!!.......................The WBT$ invented Gravy,Tuna Sandwich`s and pull tabs on beer cans...............No one ever gives the WBT$ credit!..The whole world is against the WBT$!!.....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    Considering that the earthquake [recent one in Italy] was predicted - by a seismologist whose predictions were based on a science that has proven that the earth is far older than the JW idea of 49,000 years; the JWs are probably taking credit for information provided by a secular source - as I stated below under the thread, "Earthquake in Italy - sign of the times!" ... Quote:

    "The saddest part is that an Italian seismologist successfully predicted that the area was going to be hit by a major earthquake based on his measurements of emissions of radon gases in the area, and the local officials got upset at the idea that he might 'panic' some people and forced him to remove his warnings and website from the Internet. His name was (please forgive my spelling!) Giampaolo Giuliani. Here are a couple of links:


    He made these predictions up to two weeks before the quake struck. The JWs are probably crediting YHWH for this man's early warning... Zid

  • Elsewhere

    As much as I would love to have Earthquake Prediction Reports to follow, I'm still not convinced of their accuracy.

    We all know how bad the Weather Forecasts can be... Earthquake Predictions are far worst. Most do not even consider Earthquake Prediction to be a true science.

  • ziddina

    Elsewhere, as with the (now much more refined) science of forecasting tornadoes, the scientific community is always working on improving accuracy. Here is a website page with many discussions involving earthquakes (USGS - getting it from 'the horse's mouth', so to speak). There are several good articles and discussions on earthquake prediction there...

    From this article: comes this interesting observation, "One well-known successful earthquake prediction was for the Haicheng, China earthquake of 1975, when an evacuation warning was issued the day before a M 7.3 earthquake. In the preceding months changes in land elevation and in ground water levels, widespread reports of peculiar animal behavior, and many foreshocks had led to a lower-level warning. An increase in foreshock activity triggered the evacuation warning. Unfortunately, most earthquakes do not have such obvious precursors." Incidentally, the author of the aforementioned article agrees with your assessment that earthquakes won't ever be 'spot-on' predictable; however, I would like to see a time when we can get a days-to-weeks accurate prediction/warning...

    The indicators that enabled the Chinese seismologists to accurately predict that earthquake have not proven reliable for subsequent earthquakes. However, the 'radon gas' emissions technique and a 'radio wave emissions' technique I heard about briefly may prove more reliable - that is, in my opinion, for 'shallow' earthquakes.

    Uhm, I was going to try to find reference material for you regarding 'deep' earthquake epicenters versus 'shallow' earthquake epicenters (until seismology developed to a certain point, geologists didn't realize there were occasional devastating earthquakes that originated at GREAT depths within the earth...), BUT!

    I'm probably overloading you with information at this point. Zid

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