Did Russell have ANY original teachings that he actually came up with all on his own?????
Russell's original teaching
by diamondiiz 2 Replies latest jw friends
In writings as early as 1883 (and through to the end of his life) Russell repeatedly expressed the view that the world would see a significant but gradual change in global climate conditions as a prelude to the re-establishment of Eden-like conditions. These changes, he said, would include the gradual melting of the Greenland ice sheet, the Arctic and Antarctic polar ice caps, and the general warming up of the earth's temperatures.
It is interesting to note that the WTS never repeated this in any of their future editions after Russell's death. At least I could not find any.
I cannot find how to start a new topic, maybe I cant yet because of being new, but I wanted to ask what is the deal with IBSA? Are Jehovahs Witnesses still part of them or not? MY mother who is still a witness told me a few years ago that they were a break off part of the Witnesses, but according to the internet, they are still very much a part of the WTS. If this is true, why do they not still follow the teachings of Russell?