Let me explain...
Where I work - we are considered ISO-9000 for our processes. That means that we have a set of guidelines to adhere to - to make sure that our products met a set of standards - and quality.
Okay. So - I have a question on one of the procedures that is documented. I am not questioning the documentation - but rather the implementation of this document.
One particular paragraph makes a statement about how we generate an ECO (Engineering Change Order), and how it gets implemented into the system. I read just the paragraph, and see that we are supposed to create an ECO - prior to making any changes. In fact, the ECO authorizes the changes to be made - after which they are reviewed - and finally signed off and put into the system - as being 'controlled'.
I approach our 'QA' guy with this - as one fella here consistently just creates a red-lined marked-up document - hands it to me - and leaves not only making changes to the controlled document - but generating the ECO - to me. In my opinion - this is incorrect - and told the QA fella just as much.
I read to him what the paragraph says, and the first thing that he sez, is "I interpret this to read..." and proceeds to let me know that we're supposed to make changes to the controlled documents - first - then generate an ECO - to cover any changes made.
I go off on him. In retrospect - I realize that it is his 'this is how I interpret that paragraph' that gets to me. I let him know that he isn't supposed to 'interpret' anything - but just read what the paragraph says.
So - he does. In the middle of the paragraph, he adds the word 'complete' which isn't in the written procedure. I go off on him again. "You just ADDED a word to that paragraph!!" I tell him. "You aren't supposed to do that!"
"It was implied." was his response.
"No, it wasn't! If you want it to say that, you need to change the document - to read that - but don't 'insert' words that aren't written there!"
I think being an ex-JW has made me very sensitive to folks who have tendencies to 'interpret' various writings - and adding words that are 'implied' to documents.
The irony is... he is a PHD with a degree in math. He is also a math instructor at one of the local colleges here.
It's like me writing 1 + 1 = ............ on the marker board, and then writing '3' as the answer - after all... it's how I interpret it. Right?
Jim TX