The anecdotal defense argument given with regard to GB/FDS members fails the litmus test. Men and women who have done and continued to do terrible things know how to "be nice". Ted Bundy and the BTK killer knew how to appear "nice" and even "charming".
When I read passages in some of Pauls letters with regard to "being obedient to those taking the lead", or to "imitate" the faith of these ones, the ONES then were those whom those counseled to do so knew who these were. They were able to "contemplate how their conduct turned out." It is impossible that these letters were submitting that they should "be obedient" to people whom they did not know and could not observe.
Note Pauls words at 1 Corinthians 16:15-16 - Now I exhort YOU, brothers: YOU know that the household of Steph′a·nas is the firstfruits of A·cha′ia and that they set themselves to minister to the holy ones. 16 May YOU also keep submitting yourselves to persons of that kind and to everyone cooperating and laboring.
The ones he was writing to knew Stephanus and the knew persons "of that kind". It would be these whom you would submit to. Even in all of this one would never "Put their trust in nobles" and would always "let God be true though every man [in the congregation and in positions of authority] be a liar" and too would always "test the inspired expressions" against the scriptures and ones own heart [even if it is treacherous, because this is the only one we have which can possibly motivate us] with regard to its application. (Ps. 146:3-4;Ro. 3:4;1 Jn. 4:1).