by whereami 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    This is yet another "the sky is falling" email going around JDUB land. They are saying that this is definatly a sign of "the end".

    Anyone know how to read Spanish? I think it's saying that meetings have been suspended during this swine outbreak.


    Noticia Atual: Suspensa a Atividade Pública das Testemunhas de Jeová no México

    abr.27, 2009 in Noticias, Saúde e Medicina, ciência e História, testemunhas de jeova 7 Comments

    Hace unos minutos se esta confirmando la noticia de que se debera suspender Toda actividad teocrática publica en México, Los Superintendentes de circuito estan recibiendo el siguiente comunicado:

    En armonía con la contingencia que hay por la Influenza, Les comunicamos lo siguiente: Reuniones de Congregación: En vista de que las autoridades del sector salud han impuesto restricciones a reunirse en público, hasta nuevo aviso, recomendamos llevar a cabo las reuniones del Estudio Bíblico de Congregación, la Escuela del Ministerio Teocrático, la Reunión de Servicio y el estudio de La Atalaya, como familia, dentro de sus hogares. Esto sería adicional a su programa de Adoración Familiar.Servicio del Campo: Podrán participar en la predicación de manera informal, por teléfono, carta y concentrarse en la actividad de revisitas y estudios bíblicos. Los publicadores puede comunicarse con el estudiante preguntándole si está dispuesto a recibir el estudio, asegurándose de que no haya enfermos. Recomendamos que lleven cubre bocas y seguir las directrices difundidas para la protección de la salud.
    Sobre los hermanos que están asignados a una ruta, sea de precursores, o a territorio que se trabaja con poca frecuencia, no deben viajar, por el momento se suspende su asignación.

    Desde o dia de domingo, 26 de Abril de 2009, dia após o discurso especial, o Betel do México entrou em contato com todos os anciãos, e enviou cartas a todas as congregações para informar-lhes que a partir de então, todas as reuniões, assembléias e saídas ao serviço de campo devessem ser suspensos nas áreas afetadas.

  • Peaches1978

    yes, it saying that all brother and sisters need to stay home and still conduct there meetings all at home and on top of that to also conduct the family study. and to continue the preaching work via, email, phone, and also to contuct there bible studies with the new ones at home. also that the regular pioneers their assignments have been suspended.

    geesh.. i can imagine how all jw's are really now saying the end is upon us.....


  • The Berean
    The Berean

    well it could be an "end."

    I was out in California last week where a high percentage of Dubs are of Mexican descent. Even if the media is blowing the "Swine" thing out of proportion, who would want to have some stranger breathing at their front door? Privacy could become of greater interest to legislators and door-to-door preaching could be curtailed ...

    "AND THEN THE END WILL COME!!! (bla,bla,bla)

  • parakeet

    Don't those Mexican dubs know that Jehovah will protect them from swine flu? Don't they know that "saving" others from eternal death is much more important than spreading the flu to innocent people? So what if the unbelievers die of flu? They'll have a chance (slim but possible) of resurrection, and the dubs will still be able to boast about their field report numbers.

    Such a lack of faith, Mexican dubs! For shame!

    I want you to know, WTS and the GB, that you have "stumbled" me by your lack of faith in Jehovah's "protection." What was that scripture about a millstone and drowned in the sea? That's you, GB.

  • journey-on

    I'm sure the WTS is thinking about the legal ramifications of sending their minions out to knock on doors rather than protecting them from the flu. There have been outbreaks before and they have never done this. New and better Advice from Legal, I'm sure.

  • Peaches1978

    what's funny is that instead of them wts telling the mexican bro's to becareful and give them encourgement they just give them orders to keep with the studies and preaching work. no sympathy at all.

    I wonder if with all the billons of dollars the wts have why wont they pay for the vaccines for the brothers and sis over there. but i bet that wont be ha happening any time.

  • Borgia

    Watch the jdub activity on message boards....they can now count time spent online!



  • WTWizard

    I think they should expand their suspension of witless activity permanently. You see, who wants to go to a door where the householder is coughing with tuberculosis? And that could happen any time.

    And I say tuberculosis is just a tad more serious than this scam flu.

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