I Once Was A Witness
I once was a Witness
and went from door to door
With a book-bag full of magazines
for others to explore
I thought the message they contained
was truthful n’ right
So I preached their Kingdom Message
with all my strength and might
I never even questioned
what I was told to say
I thought I was guided
by God’s Faithful Slave
Even when I dared to think
a teaching might be wrong
I was told that I should wait
for God to come along
God would help me understand
the teachings they had wrought
Until He does just go along
with everything they taught
I lived this way for quite a while
for who was I to question
These people made the claim
that they had God’s direction
Put it on the shelf they’d say
if sense it doesn’t make
But pretty soon my shelf was full
and it began to break
I began to wonder
about all their prophecies
Not even one fulfillment
for anyone to see
I began to have my doubts
a practice that’s forbidden
I began to doubt their claims
to be the true religion
I wondered if there might be errors
in their doctrine too
So I read the Bible by itself
to get a clearer view
Then I prayed to Jesus
something they think absurd
I ask Him to help me
to understand God’s Word
I learned things I never knew
about Jesus Christ our Master
It seemed to me He must be God
for prayers He can answer
I ask Jesus in my life
because He's God and Savior
And every day he demonstrates
that I have His favor
My life is better now
then it has ever been
For now I know it's grace not works
that covers all my sin
Cal Lehman 2004
A poem by an ex-JW elder
by Colton 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Really the most beautiful poem I have ever heard and exactly my thoughts. Have you ever composed other poems?
That was fantastic!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
That's a good one. Now we just need the right "Kingdumb Malody" to turn the poem into memorable lyrics.
compound complex
Thank you, Colton ...
Beautiful and heartfelt.
I remember putting doubts on the shelf.
No more.
I can't take credit for this poem. It was made by Cal Lehman. I saw it posted on another JW forum.
Scarred for life
Very Beautiful. Thank you.
Beautiful poem, thank you