1.Conservative: study JW literature EVERYDAY.
Liberal: they study sometimes.
2. C: shun whoever miss meetings
L: they sometimes miss meetings themselves, so find it unneccesary to shun
any other examples?
by african GB Member 9 Replies latest jw friends
1.Conservative: study JW literature EVERYDAY.
Liberal: they study sometimes.
2. C: shun whoever miss meetings
L: they sometimes miss meetings themselves, so find it unneccesary to shun
any other examples?
From what I recall of the JWs, some talked conservative and hardcore, but didn't necessarily live that way. They came to most of the meetings, they very visibly went out in service, when they went, but in other areas of their lives, they quietly did whatever they pleased. Most of these JWs were born-ins and had obviously found out what worked best when playing the system.
The real hardcore JWs were more vocal about their sometimes ridiculous moral stances (condemnation of certain entertainment and clothing choices especially) and bolstered their personal holiness by criticising others in the congregation for not being as perfect as they considered themselves to be. Nothng like putting others down to make yourself look better. Not that witnesses are the only people who do that...its just that they are no different than the rest of humankind no matter how much they pretend that they are.
For most witnesses, its all about how you look to other people. True moral character, kindness, and love don't really matter...and if those things do matter to the individual, it seems that they either find themselves restricting how much they associate with other witnesses, or they get out of the organization all together.
A JW is often reflective of the KH they attend. So a liberal JW isn't aware of the conservative, while the conservative is aware of the liberal they think it is proof of satan's snare of materialism and are thankful they aren't liberal. When these two however switch congregation and experience the full berth of differences, disurbia happens. If they don't return quickly to their natural habitats the experience leads them to questioning.
Liberal JW: Reads all material given by the end of the week, blows off anything they don't personally believe because it is just magazine, not Jehovah speaking. Has no clue there are mindless minions who actually plan their lives around these mags.
Conservative JW: Reads a day or two before meeting, feels guilty for slacking. Thanks God for the GB and WTS for leading them and discerns entire message should be followed because Jehovah wrote it for them to heed.
Conservative JWs underline their watchtowers one week in advance, whereas liberal JWs underline their watchtowers during the Watchtower study. Next.
You are right about us liberal learning how to perform perfect theocratic behavior. However it is just a given much like not talking loud in the library. Appropriate behavior at the appropriate time and place. But we tend to have a fuller JW experience regarding 'lifestyle'. Most liberal KHs I have associated with throw lots of parties and socialize with each other beyond the meetings and FS. The old bookstudies were always social dinners.
Yes, conservatives tend to use self-righteousness to boost their egos. I still find it shocking after almost 30 years. They also shun every form of gathering beyond meetings and FS. Weddings and funerals are highly regulated. The bookstudies were prompt and you left immediately after the prayer.
I was brought in by a super-hard core witless that insisted that I had to throw away all my records and listen only to Kingdumb S***, waste $20 on a call book, bind my False Reasoning book with the Not Well Translated version of the Unholy Scriptures (and waste more than $60 that I did not have), and dry clean my suits each wearing and keep things perfectly clean. He wanted me to pio-sneer, and to be out in field circus at 9:00 AM after getting home from work well after 1 AM. And to study my washtowels as if they were science books (I never had so much trouble studying a well-written science book).
I ended up backing down substantially after he moved out of the territory. I dry cleaned my suits only when absolutely necessary, citing serious damage to the environment. I soon realized that I could spot the answers in the washtowels without really studying, so I stopped wasting time doing that. I also realized that I could never force anyone to believe something, especially if they have reason to believe that it is a scam or they have had bad experiences before.
Conservative JWs underline their watchtowers one week in advance, whereas liberal JWs underline their watchtowers during the Watchtower study. Next.
Conservative: Think they are better than everyone else.
Liberal : Think about the needs of other people
Luna, good post!
its not obvious?