I am an active Witness. So my way of talking to the friends about stuff like this is to first say I believe the Slave no matter what. THEN I bring up the question.
This is the way I would do it with your question:
I would first ask ANOTHER question like, "How many were in the Governing Body in the First Century?" Then everyone gives an idea, and I would say, "Eighteen." And I would quote some publication or whatever. Any kind of a sample question that has a good answer that requires some WT research. Makes me look like I am very supportive of the Organization.
AND THEN, when their guard is down, I would say, "Here's a question for the service group. What is the difference between being "spirit-inspired" and "spirit-directed?"
The bro's would give their answers, thinking I am supporting the Organization, and then I would say, "Well, there really isn't any difference, either Jehovah directs the work or he doesn't. You can't have both. But we have to phrase it like this because worldly people wouldnt believe it. So the Society is really inspired just like the Bible writers were."
That is what I am having some limited success doing, being extra-positive about the Organization, and introducing topics and questions until THEY THEMSELVES QUESTION THINGS, NOT ME.