I may have described the players in this story long ago, and changed the details to hide who I am.
I don't really worry about it anymore, and I don't want to look back over two years to see if I changed the details.
The following is true, and the sex and age and situation of each person is pretty accurate despite any details seeming different from before:
My nephew is 14 years old, he's my wife's sister's boy. I asked him maybe a year ago some questions and he answered as best he could about going with his grandmother to the Kingdom Hall and how he felt that Jehovah's Witnesses had "the truth." His mother was disfellowshipped when she was pregnant out of wedlock with him, so she's been out for over 14 years. The nephew said back then that he was going to the Kingdom Hall with his mother sometimes. I was afraid to say too much, as he would be drilled by family who might tell him never to talk about anything with Uncle Jerry-in-Chicago. So I told him how important it was to enjoy sports in school and seek higher education and to not, absolutely not get baptized until he's an adult. He hemmed and hawed about why that wasn't such a great idea ("I know it's the truth, so why keep waiting?") I told him to follow Jesus' example and wait. I told him that his own mother got in trouble because she wasn't ready to be a JW when she got baptized. "JUST WAIT."
I had hope for my wife's family. Her parents always went to the Kingdom Hall, neither of them ever got baptized. They are divorced from each other now, still both go to the Hall- Dad not so much, but Mom goes more regularly than most baptized JW's. She's retired now, and she might be getting dipped this summer. (She knows my position and won't really talk about her "spirituality" to me.) My wife's other sister never got baptized, I think she hates the religion.
The wife told me that her sister called to report a health scare for their dad. I thought she meant the never-JW sister, because my wife has spoken to the DFed sister, but still keeps contact minimum. NO, it was the DFed sister that called, and guess what? She's REINSTATED. AARRGGHH! This is part of why I think their Mom may be getting dipped this year. All bad news all around.