Jesus check this out.

by zerubberballs 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • zerubberballs

    Dear Lord,

    The Presbyterian Church in Putney is selling the rights to its steeple for $20,000. Hutchinsons Telecommunications, a Sydney mobile phone company, has offered the Church $14,000 and the installation a lovely new electronically enhanced celtic style cross to transmit yuppy phone calls over the heads of us all but church officials are holding out for another $6,000.*

    Well Lord is this your idea or are you gonna lose it and upend thier steeples over for turning the house of your father into an electromagnetic reciever and the symbol of your sacrafice into a money making, glow in the dark message bouncing radio beacon? Is having radio transmission equipment installed to the roofs of Churches throughout Christendom a secret plot by Satan to send subliminal messages against Jehovahs people or is this all part of the Divine Plan of the Ages?

    Is installing electromagnetic lightning attractors to the high points on all of Babylon the Great's buildings so Rutherford riding the green horse can more accurately direct lightning bolts against his enemies? Hey Jesus who's in charge up there anyway? Watch that ol' Judge lord or before you know it you'll be out in the cold and Joe Booze 'll be in yer seat peering curiously into your dads right ear and eyeing off the chariot keys.

    happy birthday, unclefluffybruce

    * Sun Herald Sunday December 16 2001 page 9.

  • Marilyn

    Brucie, is it your birthday? Hippy Birdy!!!!!!!!! (if I read your sign off correctly!) Mine's tomorrow btw!!!! It must have been a good time of year for it! :-)

    Maz! Who protested the fluff comment too! Though I think there are many ex brothers here are are partial to a 'piece of fluff'!

  • zerubberballs

    Hey Marylin,

    I was wishing Jesus a Happy Birthday silly, not myself. lol (I'm a Taurian bull like Farkel)

    I think its funny how JWs say there are only two birthdays mentioned in the bible but overlook the biggest birthday party of all - Baby Jesus birthday bash. (pretty wild night I hear .. like animals they was rolling in the hay) Some Christians eh? when a grumpy ol' agnostic like me can raise his eyes skywards and wish Jesus happy birthday yet all JWs just keep thier eyes down looking for lost coins and avoiding men in red suits.

    Merry Xmas and Happy Birthday Marilyn (keep ya fluff warm ;) unclefluffybruce

    (pst .. don't worry, i'm not turning christian, but i don't want jesus to know that)

  • buffalosrfree

    Zerubberballs, Have you ever thought about all the new light Rutherford and company received when they erected antennas for thier radi broadcasts? Now thats how they received new light, when lightning struck the antennas it zapped Rutherford sober and he seen the light so to speak. Buff

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