Who studied in MINISTERIAL TRAINING SCHOOL? Who has notes? Who has writing-books with records?
by Derde 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would check SnakesInTheTower. He was a graduate of this ministerial training school, and he did not think it was worth it. As for me, I call it the Value Destroyer Training School because they teach one to re-establish congregations using methods that have failed before. If one is successful, it causes other people to waste their time, forgo education and the time to work, and put their money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. All of which destroys value.
Not to mention, if you get assignments to everywhere at once, you are supposed to take all of them. If you are successful, you could get the witlesses nearer the Critical Mass that will allow them to usurp the governments, put their doctrines as laws, and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages. Talk about value destruction!
There are no books to keep only loose leafs that you need to return after the school.
The pages are starting with the homework which is devided in 2 parts the primary part which you can do and the secondary part that is to much to study for "normal people".
Than comes the part with assignments. Those are divided under the lessons for that day. You get an assignment for almost every day and it can be just being a 5 minute talk or you have to go in the fieldservice on the platform where another student is the householder who has prepared himself to tell you why jw's are wrong but you do not know what he is going to say except that it has been part of the homework, but some get larger assignments like the public talk assigned which they can do at the meeting.
If someone would have copies he would probably have to take them in a bag and go copy them somewhere else.
I do not have the loose leaf outline binder, but I do have multiple binders of all of the references and a lot of my notes.
I posted the course outline on here somewhere.. Ministerial Training School Course Outline (older edition)
Snakes ()
I did