Apparently Prince is letting the Governing Body write his lyrics and power cords. Too bad, he used to be a decent musician.
Being a JW will KILL your music career/Prince.
by jeeprube 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think so, he's still very popular.
Doing much better than Michael Jackson.
My one consolation is he produced a lot of great music before he went jw
i think the last DC i ever attended
had brother nelson showing up in a
white stretch limo and a posse of
bodyguards...(rochester, mn fyi)way to hang in there, bro nelson
I wonder if this decision by Prince was JW based.
wha happened?
don't even get me started. I was reproved for owning Prince music. I was a musician
Homerovah the Almighty
I think the only thing thats killing his music career is his wanning talent, particular regarding song writing,
religion might not have anything to do with that.
Its somewhat typical for many successful musicians who've reached a level of success and wealth to lose
their aggressiveness and drive, as a direct result their inward expressive talent starts to thin as well.
Prince is just another one of those individuals.
Now that he's 50 you hope would and expect that he would cool off on his S E X U A L I T Y ....yoo woo ya yaaaa..
Stick a knife in it Prince your done, your time has come and gone.
wha happened?
Prince is so a has been. He can tour and release music which people will buy. He has enough clout to milk it. Perhaps he may also learn the truth abouth the truth
Perhaps the real reason Prince allowed his clever, dying JW mother to emotionally-blackmail him back into the religion of his childhood was because his heyday was over. Grim reality is there would have been no Purple Rain or When Doves Cry, JW or non-JW. Remember, very, very, very few people go plopping themselves into a religion when they're on a winning creative streak; a decline in fortunes more often than not serves asthe real catalyst for suddenly finding religion more captivating than rock.
JW's have led him into what I call an artist's "Rod Stewert Disco phase." The point at which an artist doesn't care and make music that sucks just for the money.