Every time I have ever heard them give a talk at an assembly I had the feeling those in attendance were sub-consciously worshipping these loons. I felt squeamish each time those in attendance would applaud to each and every shuffle of his white shoes and changing of his hips while he barked of his platitudes and wonderment at all their accomplishments in Patterson or in some other building complex. How come I could see right off they were nothing more than shysters, but it seemed nobody else in that whole dam arena could but only me?
Idea of respecting the Governing Body is just a Satire.
by Leprechaun 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I was raised a Witness and hung around it for forty years of my life, looking back I see how much I lost of my own ability to choose for myself to do this or that for myself, because to be a Jehovah’s Witness you have to accept someone else’s ideas (I don’t mean scriptures and god views) rather than your own, you become afraid to function in your family life, or in social situations all out of fear of displeasing the GB and / or (elders) and risk being called on the carpet over an infraction of some manmade rule. I am pretty sure that all Jehovah’s Witness feel like this it’s just that some have more stamina concerning it I guess than I did. If you have to believe something similar to the Witness’s, then I suggest the Bible Students, they don’t find the need to control every facet of your life under the pretense or representing god.
How come I could see right off they were nothing more than shysters, but it seemed nobody else in that whole dam arena could but only me?
Many there were probably thinking the same thing as you!!!!
I was one of those worshippers I'm afraid. I always went up to them, well, I went and stood in line to talk to them. Sometimes I gave them money. And I took photos with them. My father wasn't a Witness, so I was raised to think that the elders cared about me, some did, some didn't.
Yeah he he, I went up to brother Nore after one of his special talks ion Salt Lake City and stood there looking like a bafoon, wanting to shack his hand, he was nice enough he even said brother I am only a man, I said really, but of course I was seventeen and as stupid as a box of rocks.