actually, it is not wrong for a JW to speak to a da person only to a df one.The reason for this is because if someone has been dissfellowshipped it was because they were a baptized wittness and were committing an unrepented sin. The key word there being unrepentive. How many times have you heard people comment on ones who went to religious services (no matter what denomination they were) being a hypocrite, and almost eveytime they use that as an excuse to not go? Read the Bible and find out how God feels about uncleaness in his house. It serves as a protection for the congregation as well as helping the one that is unrepentive to see that what they were doing was against Jehovahs laws and would keep them from being ressurected.It is out of love for that person and for Jehovah. I am alot older and I have seen alot of changes that I thought I never would.When I was in High school ,Homosexuality was taught as a perversion and not a preference,no one thinks anything now of living with their boyfriend or girlfriend and being a member of the church. You may be thinking what a narrow minded old fart I am for saying this,but if you believe there is a God in the heavens that created us all and you believe the Bible is the instructions that God left for us to go by, then don't get mad at me because he was the one who said it and if he did create everything, does he not have the right to decide what is right and wrong. Don't think that he wants us to be mean to them, I was an Interior Designer so you know how many gay people I must of worked around. They loved me because I loved them, but they also knew what I believed. It was brought up only one time and they stated that they knew how I felt about it and I stated that it didn't matter how I felt about it but what God thought about it and because I loved them I wanted them to do research and find out what he said about it. none of us is any better than anyone. we all fall short, but instead of so much criticism, think about the fact that we don' want to lead anyone down the rosey path of destruction. If anyone calling themselves a JW and was unloving or unkind don't worry Jehovah will set matters straight he has a way of bringing people down a knotch or two, but if it was because they were dissfellowshipped, then it was for their own good.