I was unable to find any EXACT quote up to 2003, but I did find these:
Reasoning from the Scriptures (1989) page 333:
Definition: A·na´sta·sis, the Greek word translated "resurrection," literally means "a standing up again" and it refers to a rising up from death. The fuller expression "resurrection of (from) the dead" is used repeatedly in the Scriptures. (Matt. 22:31; Acts 4:2; 1 Cor. 15:12) The Hebrew is techi·yath´ ham·me·thim´, which means "revival of the dead." (Matt. 22:23, ftn, NW Reference edition) Resurrection involves a reactivating of the life pattern of the individual, which life pattern God has retained in his memory. According to God's will for the individual, the person is restored in either a human or a spirit body and yet retains his personal identity, having the same personality and memories as when he died. The provision for resurrection of the dead is a magnificent expression of Jehovah's undeserved kindness; it displays his wisdom and power and is a means by which his original purpose regarding the earth will be carried out...