Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 11 May 2009

by LUKEWARM 4 Replies latest jw friends


    *** lv pp. 209-212 Head Coverings-When and Why? ***

    Head Coverings-When and Why?

    When and why should a Christian woman wear a head covering in connection with her worship? Let us consider the apostle Paul's inspired discussion of this subject. He provides the guidance we need in order to make good decisions, ones that honor God. (1 Corinthians 11:3-16) Paul reveals three factors to weigh: (1) the activities that call for a woman to wear such a covering, (2) the settings in which she should do so, and (3) the motives for her to apply this standard.

    The activities. Paul mentions two: prayer and prophesying. (Verses 4, 5) Prayer, of course, is worshipful address to Jehovah. Today, prophesying would apply to any Bible-based teaching that a Christian minister does. Is Paul suggesting, though, that a woman should cover her head whenever she prays or teaches Bible truth? No. The setting in which a woman prays or teaches makes all the difference.

    Bible truth = WTS interpretation
    Watchtower, August 1, 2001, p. 14:
    "A mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and 'the faithful and discreet slave."

    The settings. Paul's words suggest two settings, or spheres of activity-the family and the congregation. He says: "The head of a woman is the man . . . Every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head." (Verses 3, 5) In the family arrangement, the woman's husband is the one whom Jehovah designates as her head. Unless she gives due recognition to her husband's authority, she would shame her husband if she handled responsibilities that Jehovah assigns to him. For example, if it became necessary for her to conduct a Bible study in her husband's presence, she would acknowledge his authority by wearing a head covering. She would do so whether he is baptized or not, since he is the head of the family. If she were to pray or to teach in the presence of her minor baptized son, she would likewise wear a head covering, not because he is the head of the family, but because of the authority granted to baptized male members of the Christian congregation.

    Where did Paul say she must wear a head covering?

    If God can read the heart, why does a woman need to show she acknowledges husbands authority by putting this on?

    This is ridiculous - how far are they taking this: "If she were to pray or to teach in the presence of her minor baptized son, she would likewise wear a head covering"

    Paul mentions the congregation setting, saying: "If any man seems to dispute for some other custom, we have no other, neither do the congregations of God." (Verse 16) In the Christian congregation, headship is given to baptized males. (1 Timothy 2:11-14; Hebrews 13:17) Only males are appointed as elders and ministerial servants with the God-given responsibility to care for the flock of God. (Acts 20:28) Occasionally, though, circumstances may require that a Christian woman be called on to handle a duty normally performed by a qualified baptized male. For instance, she may need to conduct a meeting for field service because a qualified baptized male is not available or present. Or she may conduct a prearranged home Bible study in the presence of a baptized male. Because such activities are really extensions of the Christian congregation, she would wear a head covering to acknowledge that she is handling the duty normally assigned to a male.

    Doesn't the Bible say: "but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? Because her hair is given her instead of a headdress". 1Cor 11:15

    On the other hand, many aspects of worship do not call for a sister to wear a head covering. For example, she does not need to do so when commenting at Christian meetings, engaging in the door-to-door ministry with her husband or another baptized male, or studying or praying with her unbaptized children. Of course, other questions may arise, and if a sister is unsure about a matter, she may do additional research. If still unsure and if her conscience moves her to do so, wearing a head covering would not be wrong.

    The motives. In verse 10, we find two reasons why a Christian woman would want to fulfill this requirement: "The woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels." First, note the expression, "a sign of authority." Wearing a head covering is a way for a woman to show that she acknowledges the authority that Jehovah has placed upon baptized males in the congregation. Hence, she expresses her love for and loyalty to Jehovah God. A second reason is found in the words "because of the angels." How does a woman affect those mighty spirit creatures by wearing a head covering?

    The angels are interested in seeing that divine authority is recognized throughout Jehovah's organization, in heaven and on earth. They also benefit from the examples of imperfect humans in this regard. After all, they too have to be submissive to Jehovah's arrangement-a test that more than a few angels failed in times past. (Jude 6) Now, the angels may see instances when a Christian woman is more experienced, more knowledgeable, and more intelligent than a baptized male in the congregation; yet, she readily shows her submission to his authority. In some cases, the woman is an anointed Christian who will later become one of Christ's joint heirs. Such a woman will eventually serve in a position even higher than that enjoyed by angels and rule with Christ in heaven. What a fine example for the angels to observe now! Really, what a privilege all sisters have to demonstrate humble obedience through their loyal and submissive conduct in the sight of millions of faithful angels!

    Assumption upon assumption here..."Wearing a head covering is a way for a woman to show that she acknowledges the authority that Jehovah has placed upon baptized males in the congregation"

    A Christian wife would not normally pray aloud in the presence of her believing husband except in unusual circumstances, such as if he has been rendered mute by an illness. For more information, please see The Watchtower, July 15, 2002, pages 26-7, and February 15, 1977, pages 125-8.

  • WTWizard

    Doesn't the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger acknowledge that women have brains of their own, and are capable of independent thinking? Or, for that matter, doesn't that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag Jehovah? At this rate, we might all become Muslim within a few short weeks--the Jehovah's Witlesses are almost as bad at treating women as Muslims are.

  • blondie

    Does anyone have access to these magazines?

    July 8, 1957 Awake page 18

    September 8, 1952 Awake pages 21-3

    articles on hats

    I wonder if jw women had to wear hats in the congregation regardless of whether they were acting in place of a man.

  • ziddina

    Hats, Mmmmmm...... I'm gonna burn up my last post here...

    Ever notice how certain church groups (especially those in the South or those with a southern flavor) have a HUGE emphasis on hats? I worked for a very nice black lady in the 5-Points area of Denver for a while - she made hats - GLORIOUS hats - and they were primarily worn by ladies attending Sunday services.

    I have to laugh - the hats started out as a sign of 'submissiveness' in those groups, too; but the glory of those hats! They were colorful, bold, declaring their owner's particular personality as brightly as a neon sign!

    As usual, the WTBTS has things caddy-whumpus backwards. Hats - in European cultures, historically speaking - were a sign of STATUS!! So, I hope those sisters indulge in a bit of covert undercutting of 'Middle-Eastern-modeled male' dominance by coming up with the most beautiful, fantastic hats possible! We all know they probably WON'T - they would be subjected to complaints of 'putting on airs', or 'displaying pride in worldly possessions'... But I hope there are sisters out there who are covertly rebellious enough to show up with a smart fedora - perhaps a feminine version of Indiana Jones' action-ready hat.

    WTWizard, you stated, "At this rate, we might all become Muslim within a few short weeks--the Jehovah's Witlesses are almost as bad at treating women as Muslims are."

    I hammer and hammer at people of European ancestry, trying to get it thru their heads that they are worshipping a MIDDLE EASTERN god, but most people seem incapable of realizing the full import of that fact. Sad. Zid

    Me in the kind of hat I'd love to see at the typical KH... By the way, that doesn't even begin to approach the fantastic glory of those hats for the 5-Points ladies...

  • palmtree67

    I know for a fact that recently it has come down from the WTBS that sisters who do sign language in the congregation or at assemblies must now wear a headcovering.

    It used to be viewed as they were just " translating" what was being said, but I guess now with ASL, they are "interpreting".

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