Are Jehovah`s Witness`s more interested in Truth?..Or..Defending the WBT$?????????????........................................................OUTLAW
...Are Jehovah`s Witness`s more interested in Truth?..OR...
by OUTLAW 5 Replies latest jw friends
Your honour, the defence rests.................
They do not know what Truth is.
Can a brainwashed person, a robot be interested for the truth?
The latter!!! And it seems that's all they are doing these days, and probably the Org is pre-empting them about upcoming scandals. A few years back, had a couple of JWs call on me, and I think I was going to mention the hypocrisy over the UN NGO issue (which I later did, in fact handing them a print out of UN agreement which I'd prepared for such an encounter), and they guessed the 'hypocrisy' I was about to mention was about child abuse, cutting me dead, saying something like ''we know all about the child abuse in the Society'' and waffled on about it 'being sorted', 'imperfection' 'lies' etc - but they seemed PLEASED that they mentioned it before I had chance to (don't you see how Jehovah prepares his people?)
All too many of them are in it for the power. Those witlesses are the ones that become hounders and hounder-hounders (and higher), and insist that everyone must pio-sneer all the time. They ruin the lives of their children, much worse than the ones that actually are interested in the truth. They impose stupid rules, often even beyond what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger imposes. These are the ones that want people to wear white shirts all the time, a suit coat (in very hot weather), and will get down on anyone that appears to be breaking the rules and then not be happy with the corrections.
A few are interested in the truth. And they usually end up turning apostate.