An excellent pdf for newbies on some of the major flip flops.
by carla 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
An excellent pdf for newbies on some of the major flip flops.
not too interested it doctrinal flipflops that didnt affect anyones lives.
as a witness i never gave a shit about whether sodom and gomorrah will be ressurected... never preached it, never cared. i always thought "its up to jah ,who fuckin cares"
"as a witness i never gave a sh*t about whether sodom and gomorrah will be ressurected... never preached it, never cared. i always thought "its up to jah ,who f*ckin cares" Mr. Aimondi??
Hooo, Not ME, man! ANY misinformation/false prophecy/LIE coming out of the WTBTS fascinates me like a 30-car pileup on the Interstate!! As long as I'm not in it...
Which is the point. Although I don't have any family/friends in the JW/WTBTS org. that I care about, knowing about the falsehoods of the WTBTS helps me whenever I hear that someone may be interested in joining the JWs. Bringing the inconsistencies to their attention could save them a lot of pain, heartache and misery - could even save their life, as in the case of a blood transfusion or if the WTBTS flip-flops on organ transplants or other medical procedures again.
In addition (and I HATE admitting this!) it's like watching a REALLY BIZARRE soap-opera!! I've mentioned several times the "Questions From Readers" that came up in a recent [February 2009??] "Watchtower" or "Ministry School" guide - the question was whether Jehovah's Witnesses would be allowed to EAT FATS, of all things!!
And the WTBTS' answer?? "NO!!" Understand the full import of this 'new' edict - Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing are no longer allowed to eat either animal fats or vegetable fats. That was clearly stated in the WTBTS' response. It is very likely that there will be abundant cases of malnutrition amongst obedient Jehovah's Witnesses.
I wish I could get my hands on that article/magazine - it was BIZARRE!! And it would be GREAT FUN to be able to show that idiotic edict around. It was a WONDERFUL demonstration of the "micro-management" that the WTBTS attempts to exercise over its members! Zid