Anyone near Murray Kentucky know a Jerry and Donna Woods who moved there about 9 months ago? I used to know them in Michigan before they moved. I would like to know if anyone finds them as strange as I do.
Any one know Jerry Woods in Murray Kentucky?
by dogon 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Were they ever in Long Island? There was a Jerry Woods that moved out of here some years ago. We worked on RBC together.
Can you tell us what was strange about them?
Jerry Woods is more of an experience than an explanation. But I will try. He is very narrow minded. It would be almost impossible for him to think anything other than what he has been taught for years. His IQ is literally under 90 and he has a limited understanding of the world and thinks he is Jerry Woods Super Genius. He will do the dumbest things, like the summer he made for him good money, and at a witness get togeather and every time someone would say Jerry how are you doing, he would in a loud voice say "I am making more money than I ever have" Or when his daughter graduaged and he was given a older car to fix up for her graduation, he fixed it up and then sold it and kept the money. His son mark was sick as a child and when anyone would go to dinner they had to wait for mark to eat and when he did not want anymore everyone else could eat. These are just a few things that he does, and I could write a book on his life but to experiance people like this is funny after you have not seen them but to be around them is very hard. Donna would then do things like they were building a home one winter and her mother lived in Florida. Donna wanted to go to visit and she purchased the tickets to Florida. She started to work on Jerry a month ahead,telling him that he was working hard and he deserved a vacation. It did not take long before Jerry was agreeing with her that he was a hard worker and deserved a vacation and she manipulated it in the end to make him think it was all his idea and even the date of the flight was his idea. He yet to this day does not know that it was all figured out a month before he even knew he thought of it. They are a couple of stooges if you ever meet them, they move every 3 to 4 years as every one in the congergation ends up not being able to put up with them. And no they were not from NY, they lived in Brutice MI, Petoskey MI, Pontiac MI, Vanderbuilt MI, and can not sell their home and live with Rachel their daughter in Elmo KY about 4 miles from Murray KY.
This doesn't sound like the guy I knew. The Jerry I knew was a very nice, humble individual.
Like I said he never lived in NY state at all.