Does anyone know anything about the story of Horus and the similarities with Jesus and his life story. From what I have read on the internet (trying to stay with valid sources) and can't deny the similarities. Has anyone studied this situation? There are other legends besides Horus that are similiar to Jesus and long before Jesus was born that lead me to believe that the story of Jesus could just be another ancient tale? I can hardly beleive that I am writing this as I have believed in Jesus my whole life and pray to him on a regular basis. What's the deal?
The story of Jesus and the Egyptian god Horus
by quinnsmom 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wow! What an opening post... hello and welcome, QuinnsMom!
You will get all manner of answers to your question from this group, because now our beliefs are so diverse.
It was not just Horus that Jesus' story has been compared to... there are several gods and heroes and legends which are comparable.
Let me ask you this question:
Does it matter to you, or to your faith, or to your ability to live your life in fullness and joy, if the legends about Jesus are true or not? -
Welcome to the board.
Regarding your question about the relationship between Jesus/Horus, I would like to point you to this thread, particularly the information provided by the poster "Leolaia":
That is an interesting question since I was a witness for 20+ years and never thought I would ever leave. I am now a fader (beleive it or not that is a terrm I just learned a few months ago). My faith is still under reconstruction as I really don't know what I believe anymore. I had been spoon fed spiritually for so long that I am only now developing my own personal spiritual belief system. I just thought Jesus and Jehovah would still be central figures in whatever I believed. To think that Jesus was just a legend is really hard for me to process at the moment.
QuinnsMom said: I had been spoon fed spiritually for so long that I am only now developing my own personal spiritual belief system.
Oh, yes. We have all been there (well, at least most of us on this forum.) It is challenging, dare I say at some times terrifying... but it is so marvelous to be able to question and think and discuss and find peace!
Baba. -
There are some valid similarities and perhaps some direct influence to some limited degree (ch. 12 of Revelation in particular may draw on the Isis-Horus-Typhon = Leto-Apollo-Python myth). However these parallels are far outweighed by the vast body of native Jewish traditions drawn from the OT and midrashic exegesis.
Beware of internet Horus claims. I know from my own study that a majority of them are bogus and have little connection with what the ancients believed about Horus. The typical list of Horus claims (e.g. Horus was a preacher with twelve disciples, Horus was baptized by "Anup the Baptizer", Horus was arrested and crucified and then rose from the dead three days later, etc.) constructs a modern mythology for Horus that did not exist in antiquity.