Things that we on JWN have in common

by BonaFide 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    Here on JWN, I have noticed the following things we have in common:

    We all thought we were alone with our doubts

    We all sat at meetings feeling something was wrong

    We felt a lot of emotion when we realized what is really going on

    True, we have gone in different directions after we realized the truth about the truth. But I personally have been helped tremendously by this site and the fact that so many felt as I do. I will not need JWN one day, I think, but it serves a great purpose to those coming out, and those still in.

    Comments or criticism welcome.


  • mindmelda

    I could add, I thought I was evil, wrong and crazy for having doubts and feeling something was wrong. Now I know I'm none of those things and that I wasn't wrong.

    That's worth a lot.

  • megaflower

    This site has benn wonderful. There are so many posters who are very supportive. Only another xjw can understand what we have been through and continue to struggle with.

  • VIII

    Nods to all of the above

  • Amha·’aret

    Very helpful. I'm glad its here.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    I would guess that most of us are leaders who were convinced to believe we should be followers.

  • ziddina

    "We all sat at meetings feeling something was wrong"

    Well, Daaaaammmn; didn't just 'feel' it; saw it! Saw Exodus 19: 16-19 in bible referring to volcanic eruption but that was viewed as 'presence of Middle Eastern god' by ignorant, superstitious, backwards, illiterate Middle Eastern nomads with no CLUE as to what 'reality' really was... And that act of drawing them all to the foot of the mountain - Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! [Why can't we ever have an idiot-destroying pyroclastic flow when we need one??]

    Saw Numbers 21: 6-10 regarding the forging of an IMAGE OF A SERPENT IN BRONZE as accepted behavior, and realized this drastic contradiction was evidence of truly PAGAN origins of bible - something someone either forgot to purge, or had to leave in to connect with 'messiah' prophecies later on...

    Saw 13-year-old 3rd - maybe 4th - generation-Jehovah's-Witness blond girl grab her 13-year-old black girl friend around the throat and choke her while slamming her head into the - Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall's - support pillar - with about twenty adult JWs in the room with them, totally ignoring what was going on!!

    That brought the flaws in the organization to my attention!! T'wasn't just a feeling - T'was HARD, SOLID FACT!!

    My emotions? Absolute flabbergasted astonishment and revulsion at the extent of HYPOCRISY I saw - never mind read - in the WTBTS' literature and the actions of their people!! Whew! GLAD I'M OUT! Zid

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