This is from the May 1, 2009 Watchtower
My personal comments will appear in red
from page 8 under heading entitled Face Your Doubts
WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Even Jesus' disciples at times gave way to doubt.(Matthew 14:30;Luke 24:36-39; John 20:24,25)
This is the first two sentences in first paragraph. I won't bother typing the rest of this paragraph but if you want to see
the rest of it check out the article or look for a scan.
HOW CAN YOU OVERCOME THE CHALLENGE? Identify issues that cause you to doubt. For instance, the disciple Thomas
doubted that Jesus was resurrected, even though other disciples said that they had seen him. Thomas wanted proof.
The result? Jesus provided him with the evidence he needed to have strong faith.- John 20:24-29
Italics and underlining is mine but this is the second paragraph in its entirety. Notice how Thomas wanted proof and Jesus
provided the evidence. What happens to people today in the Organization if they ask for proof or hard evidence about
something that they may disagree with and there's no concrete proof? Are they told to shelf it? Forget about it? Don't discuss
it with others?
WHAT IS THE REWARD?Those who give way to doubt are like waves that are tossed about by "every wind of teaching
by means of the trickery of men."(Ephesians 4:14; 2 Peter 2:1) In contrast, those who find satisfying answers to their questions
are able to "stand firm in the faith."- 1 Corinthians 16:13
Italics and underlining is mine. This is paragraph 6 in its entirety. What if you don't get a satisfying answer to your question?
What then? Just because maybe it satisfies an Elder or servant or anyone else for that matter but yet don't meet your
expectations what would you be told (encouraged to do)?
On pages 22-24 is an article entitled BROOKLYN BETHEL 100 YEARS OF HISTORY. It has many pictures of past and present
buildings and workers.
On page 25 is the Heading What Do You Know About the WATCH TOWER BIBLE and TRACT SOCIETY?
I laughed when I read this one just thinking in my mind what a lot of you on here would answer to that question LOL
Regards to all,