WT Plans "World Conquest Soon"!

by cameo-d 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Have you read it?

    World Conquest Soon


    God's Kingdom


    Here are some highlights:

    conquest by true Lovers of mankind, namely, by God, (namely? what does that mean, namely?)

    There is every good reason why God himself should conquer the world and rule the earth by his Kingdom.

    (can you imagine WT ruling the whole world on the pretense of speaking for god??)

    For almost six thousand years now the chief adversary of God has been the invisible ruler of this earth. He is Satan the Devil.

    (But, but....I thought Jesus was ruling invisibly. hmmm...do we now have 3 invisible rulers? Gee, I'm confused!)

    What you think of this God your Creator is of importance to him. He will either kill you for it or keep you alive, for it.

    (Yeah, and he's gonna send 4 horsemen and a whore to do it?)

    The Creator, whose name is Jehovah, has a right to assert his sovereignty over this earth at any time he chooses to do so. By what means has he chosen to do so? It is by means of his kingdom.

    (Wait till he gets down here and finds you deliberately butchered his name spelling it Jhova, Jehoav, Jehova, etc. on all your dirty business deals trying to disguise yet another new corporation using a bastardized version of "His Divine Name".)

    This does not mean, however, that Jesus Christ himself must reign on earth...

    (No, I guess he doesn't need to be here. He's got WT in charge to speak for him.)

    It is to be not just over faithful Christianized Jews but also over all families and nationalities of mankind who likewise accept this Son of David as King

    (So Jews must be "christianized" and change their religion to be accepted and "qualified". And now Jesus is now demoted to merely the Son of David? WTF is that about?)

    Emperor Charlemagne as the "sword of the Church," the Roman Catholic Hierarchy Wed to carry out its ideas of God's kingdom...

    (But now it's WT's turn to carry out it's ideas of what God's kingdom should be.)

    ...because she has pretended to be the good tree of God's kingdom from which the fruit of the spirit was to be expected, but she has done an injustice to God's kingdom by putting it in a disgraceful light in the eyes of all heathendom.

    (WT inadvertently describes herself.)

    It was Christendom herself that set up the League of Nations after World War I and called it the "political expression of the kingdom of God on earth."

    (Clearly, Religions are behind all government decisions and movements. Religion has always controlled government and politics.)

    The United Nations cannot pass for the political expression of God's kingdom on earth. It is against the real kingdom of God, and Christendom by sponsoring, promoting, recommending and maintaining this alliance of worldly nations, along with all the other political alliances within its framework, betrays herself as a worldly conspirator against God's kingdom under Christ. She is the enemy, the chief opposer of God's kingdom. She is against having the nations of this world hand over their sovereignty to God that he might be recognized as the Universal Sovereign, the Most High even over our pinpoint of an earth. She does not even hand over her own sovereignty, but prefers democracy to theocracy. She stands condemned of opposition to God's universal sovereignty by her own mouth, by the August (1954)

    (but maybe she's not too bad....after all WT DID join in swearing allegiance to uphold UN.)

    How, then, must the world conquest by God's kingdom be? Bible prophecy answers, Not by peaceful means, but by violent war, the battle of Armageddon, "the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

    (Sounds like WT is gearing up for a holy war. Where is that mercenary army? God's gotta clean house and silence those who expose the scams so they can keep tight reigns on the few they have left.)

    This kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ is a New World kingdom. In further proof that God's kingdom by his Christ has the task of world conquest and will take over rulership of the entire globe....

    (Doesn't god already have a whole universe? WT wants everyone dead who does not play by their rules. )

    God's arsenal of destructive forces for Armageddon far worse than an international atomic world war. So at Armageddon they will be made to know the war potential of God.

    (jehovah Mars, the god of war.)

    That is where the New World society of Jehovah's witnesses...

    (Ha! I bet WT is using "New World Society" as another dba.)

    By taking your stand with his New World society now

    (there it is again!)

    It will conquer the bad conditions of the earth upon which Armageddon survivors must live, one third of which earth lies desert today, with further ruin being caused

    (Survivors will still live in a toxic world even after gods kingdom "arrives")

    Yes, it means not merely the survival of Armageddon by the New World society,

    (I wonder how long they have been calling themselves the New World Society?)

    Now is the time to decide, before divine anger flares up at Armageddon. As the Bible says: "Before the day of Jehovah's anger come upon you."

    (Yeah, I would imagine jehober watchtower is pretty pissed right now. They are being exposed neckid for the corrupt power that they are. I suppose they are loosing money and converts and are just about fighting mad.)

    Bring it on!

  • VM44

    1955 - World Conquest Soon—By God’s Kingdom

  • VM44

    World Conquest Soon? And it was written in 1955? Is that some sort of a joke?

  • VM44

    The Watchtower use to like to use the word "Conquer" in their material meant for the public.

    Here is a convention badge for the 1970's special assembly talk "Who Will Conquer the World in the 1970's?"

    The use of the word "Conquer" has fallen out of favor with The Watchtower. They haven't used it in the titles of their publications/talks for several decades now (particularly not used after 1975).

  • truthsetsonefree

    You have to wonder what kind of a jackass of an Almighty God relinquishes his sovreignty to begin with, allowing his "children" to suffer unimaginable horrors.

  • BluesBrother

    If they used such controversial sounding titles nowadays - perhaps they would be investigated as potential terrorists?

  • Heaven

    LOL! Ooopss... is that bad of me to laugh at this? And there's that 's' word again .... 'soon' . Uhhh... no. Haven't read it.

    cameo-d... your highlights were great! Thanks for the laugh.

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