Why Brits Rule Supreme.

by hillary_step 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Brits rule supreme because:

    Imagination - The Brits have far more interesting and equivalent words for the US ‘brain-dead’. For example, thundering dunderhead, planky-bonse, Squonka, mole-brain, Glaswegian.

    Though most women over 60 in the inner cities, in a sort of tribal union, all wear the same pale-buff raincoats, similar plastic rain-hats and ‘sensible’ shoes, and all look like Joan Plowright, they still manage to have sons who are SAS hit men or Yorkshire cricketer’s.

    Confidence - Take for example your common or garden down the pub Englishman. Totally out of shape physically, skin like last weeks boiled chicken, pendulous gut issuing from a brown tea-shirt that was once white, trousers held up by prayers and now cutting ridges very slightly above the pubic region. His lank hair washed last month, necessary or not, gaping black holes where teeth once were. He leans against the bar gloriously displaying his bare and hairy belly and noticing a girl, who is obviously a world-class model, with a PHD, and definitely to the manor born, he winks at her expecting her to be impressed. Now that is confidence!

    Fortitude - Millions of Brits live in tiny homes that are the replica of their neighbors homes, on huge housing estates which are replicas of other huge housing estates and still manage to have nothing in common with anybody else on the planet.

    I am sure E’Man and Duncan can heartily add to this list.

    Best regards - HS

  • Englishman


    Brits display an incredible loquaciousness. Unlike our US cousins, a true Brit would never subject a visitor to the type of rodomontade that Brits encounter whenst overseas. Indeed, some of the best deipnsophists are our working classes whose grandiloquence has become legendary amongst fellow rhetoricians.



    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • hillary_step

    lol E'Man - Now that was good! - HS

  • Julie

    I must say I love that old British tradition of under-stating things.


  • Amazing

    American response: YEP!

  • neyank

    I don't know if I would say the Brits rule supreme,
    but I would say the Brits have come out with some great shows over the years.

    ie: The Avengers, The Prisoner, James Bond ( You Brits did invent James Bond didn't you? )

    And let us not forget Monte Python.

    My hat is off to yas.


  • Englishman

    ..and we got words with more than 3 sylabubbs.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • tyydyy

    Great post HS,

    I agree that the English have a much better grasp of the English language but until you learn to speak Texan you just haven't lived.

    Nothing feels as warm and friendly as a good ol' "Howdy Ya'll" greeting.

    We have found a way to make the English language the language of brotherly love. LOL


  • hillary_step

    Hi tyydyy,

    I have to say that every Texan I ever met had a heart as big as a blimp. I have twice now found myself persuaded, against my will to spend the friendliest Texan weekends with people that I had only just met at airports!

    Not likely to happen in England!

    Best regards - HS

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