It always amazes me how expendable we are to this organization. Especially if you are the mom of unbaptized children and the wife to the 'unbeliever'. In my experience, I was let go and forgotten quite easily (although I get the feeling it might not be over!). I've heard some on these boards talk about how the elders or the gb don't seem to be to concerned with those leaving, even though it's suppose to be about 'saving our everlasting life!' Well the other night I was watching the news and a statement caught my attention and I just had to jump up and write it down. This was a political statement, not a religious one:
"We need to attract converts, we don't need to chase after heretics."
Doesn't that sound familiar? It means the religious and political intities on this planet pretty much have the same MO!
We are not going to be missed friends, but the ego will try to feed off of our individual circumstances as long as it can. The key is not to give it any 'food'!