The org advertises, recruits, controls and damages it's own hosts in a mission of self-replication - utilising bent speech and lies to exist in the lives of others - having no life of it's own, but rather, a design to use others, without a self-awareness - what is that?
Why is it so - is it a social virus - or a stop-gap for a certain need ?
by A Paduan 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
c u l t
Yes, it is a virus that cripples its hosts. It still has the transforming message of the gospel in its roots and a outward show of love and concern and pacifism and outward profession of insistance on truth and goodness and purity of doctrine and love of God and Neighbor. No wonder people such as I are drawn to it. It took 27years for me to accept what I started suspecting after three years. In fact I had to be disfellowshipped before I could get far enough away to see the truth. I was DFed on a matter that only gave the elders a gun to shoot me with. The problem was that I was looking for freindship, true freindship, real freindship. I was looking for Love from each and every one of the elders, calling out for love, crying a pool of tears on the kitchen table of one elder. begging them to give me a few minutes to examine my heart and find my need and look into my eyes and soul and touch and fix the crippling injuries in my heart and soul that were crippling my life. They didn't have the time or the heart or the interest. Disfellowshipping me made their lives easier so they could go on with assembly parts, meeting parts, service, service preparation with their families(some have lost their children since to DFing), family WT studies, family meeting preparation,....... . Who had time to shepard the flock. They were certainly fast and eager to form a comitteee and DF me. That could be done quickly iin a two week program prescribed clearly for them by "The Organization", the authoritarian Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. They now felt justified that they did not need to open their minds to complex issues, let alone stop,, look truly into someones eyes,, and open their hearts.
It is a cancer in society. You have one member, who is driven to go door to door spreading it to others. All you are supposed to do is waste your life getting other people to do the exact same thing, and it usurps all other time. You no longer have time to work or play. Instead, you are telling others that the only way to be saved [from what?] is to join the organization and do the exact same thing.
Better it is to pursue what motivates you most. Do that, and you will not stagnate. Plus, if everyone does something different, between everyone, every possible value would be created and all our needs would be satisfied. It would actually take only a few to advertise the message, since they would be able to see how smoothly it works, how usefully busy people are (and how they are benefiting from it), and that problems are usually minor and isolated. And there are almost no weaknesses for apostates to take advantage of--about the only attacks would be from those who are now in control--they would discredit it, without telling specifically what is wrong, threatening with hell or death and not being able to back up those threats. And no having everyone waste all their time telling everyone that they need to also tell others.
I think one of the worst passages in the Bible, from society's viewpoint, is "Let all those hearing say Come". That tells people that, if they are listening to the message, they are to invite everyone else. That wastes time, plus discourages people from making the group demonstrably superior to the world at large. No wonder so many people are so insistent on getting others to join their own religions.