This isn't as bad as it seems.... (in other words, I am not trying to piss anyone off....)
I am reminded when I see John Boehner, or Pelosi, who spend over half their time defining the opposition, of the fact that many debates here and in our personal lives (work, family, etc) are fought with the same tactic.
Define the other side.
Never mind that your way is better. It seems to me that we aren't drawn into a discussion/debate because of a positive thought or direction. But the opposition.... Oh they tick us off sooooo much....
I admit to that. I am happy to look for any right wing piƱata I can find. When I see a fundie Christian being exclusive with their dogma, I enter, not to present a positive alternative, but to discredit what I believe needs to be discredited.
And to be fair, a liberal like me will get a lot of flack from the right on various matters.... They are ticked off at liberals for whatever reason, and down a negative road we go.
I think there are many positive rows to hoe in the liberal vein. I am (sometimes) open to Conservative thought, when it doesn't offend my liberal sensitivities.... (I am soooo sensitive, it hurts to sit... lol)
This board, JWN (and the former JWD) illustrate this very well in my mind. While serving a purpose, it also attracts a lot of negative energy. Basically, we ex JW's for all of our blathering about Taxes, Tea Parties, Bush II and Obama, are here because we all came to one conclusion in our own way: Jehovah's Witnesses do not have the "truth". The Governing Body has pushed many lies, and covered up many scandals.
And that is as far as we go. So when we run out of new topics to discredit JW dogma (Jehovah belonging in the NT, the FD Slave is the same as the GB, etc), off we go, expressing all the wisdom being an ex JW has given us in matters that are non JW related. Like a 5 year old needing to run around, sometimes we ex JW's have a lot of negative energy that needs expressing in other ways outside of the bullseye we attach to our former faith.
Thus, we debate, and argue. And we define the deficiencies, what the other "side" is not. And we argue. (or post NEWS FLASHES)
This isn't meant to judge the debates on this board. It is merely an observation I thought I would share. Make of it what you will..... For my part, I can't wait for some on our board to "respectfully discuss" another current event item... Or to tell me about their latest talk with Jesus..... Let the good times roll......