Well the wife's bs continues.....it seems they are somewhat leaping around right now, yesterday she was shown the 'amazing prophetic' explanation of 1914......she read the bible teach book account of it to me last night, did all I could to avoid wretching...... Any ideas of simple questions I could ask to get her thinking, I know all the history of the 1914 stuff, originally pyramids, the WTS being the ONLY people to use 607 as the destruction date of the temple, but I do not want to come out with a lot of facts....I need her to think for herself......
Wife's bible study continues....prophecies of 1914
by insearchoftruth 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ask her: Dan 4 (the 7 times passing over Nebu): Where does this verse indicate any futrue fulfillment or anything other than it being fulfilled in Nebu- espcially since it says in verse 28 28 All this happened to King Nebuchadnezzar
She may say it mentions that the rule is to the extremity of the earth...so it has to represent Jehovah's rule. Direct her to
(Daniel 2:37-39) . . .You, O king, the king of kings, you to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the might, and the strength and the dignity, 38 and into whose hand he has given, wherever the sons of mankind are dwelling, the beasts of the field and the winged creatures of the heavens, and whom he has made ruler over all of them, you yourself are the head of gold. 39 “And after you there will rise another kingdom inferior to you; and another kingdom, a third one, of copper, that will rule over the whole earth.
So here we see three kingdoms later one will also rule over the whole earth- same meaning as extremity.
Then ask her on what basis 7 times is link to Gentile times of Luke 21. She will have no answer but may direct you to a footnote in the NWT which lists a source that translates Nebu's 7 times as 'appointed times'....and since Luke 21 mentions the 'appointed times of the nations' they try to equate the 2. Reminds her the footnote is not inspired.
Then remind her that after making these 2 leaps of logic they use a faulty starting point of 607bce for the destruction of Jeru, or interruption of the line of judean kings, as the NWT appendix calls it.
The WT then jumps to Revelation and use the verse that says a time, times, and 1/2 a time = 1260 days. The WT doubles this to =7 times @ 2520 days. What proof is there that these times are the same as the times passing over Nebu?
They then make this a day for a yr using a verse in Numbers (14;34 i think). On what basis? Numbers applies this to a prophecy- not all.
Then ask her to explain the logic of using 360 days years and going a day for a year to 365 day years. This is a mathematical impossibility.
Ask her why, as per Sunday's WT study, it wasn't until 1925 that the Witnesses understood the events of 1914. Weren't they supposed to have been proclaiming in advance what was going to happen?
Great line of reasoning IA, also like the use of current literature to ask a question from, I beleive she has this wt at home now...so could be a very easy line of quesitioning, especially since the article in bible teach starts out with "Decades in advance, Bible students proclaimed that there would be ......."
Any other ideas are solicited and appreciated.
I am pretty sure as soon as I ask her any of these questions she will pick up the phone and call the dubette or her husband, her husband has already so kindly offered to enter into these 'interesting discussions' with me.....
Oh heck no. I'd kill three birds with one stone.
You: Really? This is amazing! (nod sagely and try to do it with sincerity) In your excitement over the revelation that Divine Prophecy has Proven JWs to be True...run to a history book.
You: (utter shock) Um. Honey? I'm confused. Didn't you say that the destruction occured in 607? Hmm...This says 586. It must be wrong. Let me get another one (pull out a dozen sources showing 586)
Wife (confused) Calls Bible Study conductor. BS (isn't THAT appropriate - "BS" - always makes me chuckle) either a: does research and eyes are opened or b: drops your wife like a hot potato because she's "apostate"-bound. There is a possibility that c: they try to say that THEIR "bible" chronology trumps secular, and hopefully your wife will be smart enough to see that.
End of Issue. Keep it simple.