How BIG a DEAL is no more Saturday working for Bethelites?

by BonaFide 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    The first thread is more focused on Why the Change?, which has some great posts.

    But I want to see what you all say about the OUTCOME of this announcement.

    For those of us that have served in Bethel we can tell you, an announcement like this is BIG NEWS. Even small announcements at Morning Worship are whispered and talked about for weeks in rooms, at work assignments, and in the car on the way to the meetings. Analyze and re-analyze.


    So what will happen? Will Bethelites with more time on their hands take off every weekend? Will the "urgency" slow down? How can they say as they always did that "Bethel is more important than the congregation?" Will some start to go online and ask questions? Could this be the start of something REALLY BIG?

    What you say?


  • leavingwt


    In my opinion, it's only big news IF you are a current Bethelite.


  • undercover

    I think it's NEWSFLASH!!! type news if you're a Bethelite...

    but it's still pretty big news, even outside of Bethel. At least when coupled with the news of layoffs, closing plants and selling property. The publishing part of the organization is in trouble. Doesn't necessarily spell the end of the cult, but they are going to have to change the core business models. And there will be collateral damage amongst the disgruntled dubs who finally see the religion for what it really is...a corporation.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Having read NewBoy's report of bethelites' lifes and how they are desperate for any opportunity to get a few $ and make ends meet, I venture that the WTS is well aware of it and, for its own interest, is encouraging them, without saying, to find a part time job in order :

    - that they may not be considered by legal authorities as employed (exploited) workers by the WTS but actual volunteers who otherwise earn their keep,

    - to let them have a smooth landing in real world, for those who will be laid off in the future. In this way, the society won't have to pay them unemployment allowances, in case some of them fancy to claim those before the courts.

  • Lost-In-Translation

    I believe the change has nothing to do with giving Bethelites more time for field service. With their hands tied the GB will now have to deal with something they had under control for a long time - bethelites having a full weekend to enjoy themselves.

    • Some of course will do as suggested and use Saturday morning for field service.
    • Younger bethelites will use most weekends to blow-off some steam. They will be able to leave Friday night for roadtrips.
    • I don't believe the cancellation of work on Saturday will affect the "urgency" that is mentioned over-and-over again in every publication, congregation meeting and assembly.
    • Most of the friends heard the announcement and they were like, "It's nice they have more time for field service." So I don't believe the change will move anyone to question the GB.

    We have to remember that the worldwide Bethel family is smaller in size. There are reports of Bethel downsizing all over the globe. With fewer bethelites the GB might feel it is easier to deal with the change.

    In the New York City area there are congregations that do not have any bethelites attending - so, I don't think the change will affect the local congregations that much. The change will make it easier to recruit new bethelites since they will now only work five days a week.

  • daniel-p

    If I were still a Bethelite, this news would have me getting emotional. Practically. Believe me, it will mean A LOT to current Bethelites. Bethel life is so hectic as it is. Having your Saturdays off means you might--might--actually get some R&R in without being to damn exhausted to enjoy it. To give you an example... my brother and I would work Sat mornings and then leave the Farm to go stay with a family in our congregation over an hour away. By the time we got there--not much to do except visit with the friends, relax for a little bit and eat dinner. Then Sunday, go to the meeting--then stay afterwards hadnling magazines, etc., attend service meeting, go out in service for a few hours... by now it's about 4PM. Head back to the Farm, maybe stop and eat on the way home or stop at WalMart for some shopping... get back at 6:30 or 7PM. Go do your laundry/wash your car/whatever other personal chore you have, then crash and go to bed later. Up at 5:30AM Monday morning. That's your MOST leisurely day. Every other day is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, barely having enough time to eat because you got to get to work or go to a meeting or go to Monday night family study.

  • BonaFide

    My friends in Bethel will send me an email for sure on this. They say hi with an email every few months.

    But this is big...

    My thought is that everything will continue on as normal at Bethel for awhile.

    Then people will start to leave......

    Why? Because Bethel used to be the hub, the most important place in the world. Serving there was more important than service, meetings, anything. My friends there often missed meetings to work.

    But now they are saying that field service is just as important, in fact so important that Bethel is essentially closing on Saturdays. Even if you use their reasoning, its a big deal as far as the Bethel "House of God" reputation.



  • Elsewhere

    This tells me that it now costs more to make a widget than the WTS is getting in donations.

  • MissingLink

    1) Bethelites go out and get part time jobs on Saturdays.

    2) Bethel opens a new shop for the bethelites to spend their new money in.

  • WTWizard

    I bet they "suggest" that, now that they have Saturday morning off, they need to make the effort to go out in field circus on Saturday mornings (and stay out all day), and study their washtowels on Friday evenings. After a few decide to make trips off Beth Hell for the weekend, they will come out and crack down big time on this, and make them go out in field circus (unless they are sick (as in the hospital). Any that are caught not going out in field circus, or that are caught on unapproved trips, will start receiving black marks that could be used against them later. Plus, they will start requiring permission from headquarters before any are allowed to do anything off Beth Hell.

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