If JW's went the way of the WCG

by startingover 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    I had a discussion with my loyal JW wife about what she would do if the JW's did an about fact like the Worldwide Church of God. I found this blog after our discussion and I really thought the comments were expressed very well and described exactly how I feel leaving the JWs.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Wow - just substitute WTS for WCG and bingo! Interesting to me that they use many of the phrases that JWs use.

  • sspo

    It took a lot of humility for WCG to admit they were wrong and their teachings were not aligned with

    that of the bible.

    I cannot see the WTS admitting that they really screwed up in the last 140 years.

    The GB lacks humility, they are proud individuals and that's why there is so much bloodguilt

    on their hands for allowing people to sacrifice their lives and die for the Watchtower.

    It would be a dream come true if they admitted their mistakes.

  • leavingwt

    One of my co-workers is a member of a splinter group of the WCoG that did not accept the Reform.

    You may read their Mission Statement here:


  • yknot

    The WTS will bury it's history before it publically admits squat.

    It is just easier to keep publishing and making changes along the way.

    It is hard to give up the lifelong investment in the WTS, the mentality to 'fix' is stronger then admitting the truth about the 'troof'.

  • truthlover

    Many years ago it was mentioned that old Armstrong was affiliated with the WTBTS way back when - that is why the closeness of the beliefs seem to match-- but they did admit wrong, whereas WTBTS will not admit anything - their mags always seemed to parrot the WT - then there was a split with Garner Ted (son) and old Armstrong....

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The WCG example gives hope of reform for the Watchtower organisation. It shows there are always prominent men in the background of any large religious organisation who would like to reform things, even drastically. The Watchtower Society will eventually schism the way the WCG did but not as drastically and not for a long time.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Once a huge Organisation with Theological Schools and Private jets, now.....nothing but splinter groupsl everything was sold off....nice!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    How many members of the WCG were there at it's zenith?

    I think it would be a very positive move for the WBTS. By putting a distance between themselves and the whacky beliefs and interpretations of previous incantations of the organization, they could sidestep the issue of the mass of incriminating evidence available on the internet.

    It would also give disbelieving members a legitimate opportunity to leave without recrimination.

    In the long run that would do them a favour.

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