SLEEP DEPRIVATION and this board.

by hamsterbait 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    Did any of you do what I did when I was first here?

    I could NOT stop reading, and searching for nuggets. I would end up going to bed at four then crawl into work feeling like something the cat dragged home.

    Then I started rationing myself to only so long before I exited. It kind of worked, I usually only spent two hours more than I intended.

    With old age comes wisdom. Now I can go to bed if I'm tired, confident in the knowledge that Simon's loving provision will not fail me on the morrow. It can be addictive.

    JWN-anon, anybody??


  • asilentone

    take a sleeping pill or two!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Oh yeah! I reckon you could easily identify soon to be ex JWs by the bags under their eyes!

  • Quandry

    Yes, when I first looked at this board, in amazement I might add, I was mesmerized for hours into the night. Got to "know" posters by clicking on their past posts.

    I truly feel that it helped me in those months of pain and bewilderment.

    Now, I am able to sleep after a small dose of the board.

  • WTWizard

    Better than having to write letters until 1:30 in the morning, and then having to go out in field circus at 5:30 the next morning.


    Yep, started reading at the start over 12 months ago and currently up to page 2435 (friends section) 12 months later…

    Many sleep deprived nights spent reading here...

  • Hope4Others

    Yes definitely I posted like mad the first few months when I joined, I bet I was on here 6 hours a day or more....

    The lack of sleep caught up to me, and not having a I'm more


  • Finally-Free

    I practically lived on the board and was sleep deprived for the first year and a half. Once I realized it was causing problems in my real life I cut back on my online time. I also eliminated my Yahoo and MSN messenger use entirely.


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