Richard Dawkins Promotes ABC's Expose of Child Abuse in the Watchtower

by cofty 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cofty

    The story is painfully familiar. Children are sexually abused in a closed-off cult that is averse to secular justice. The victims either don’t dare accuse their influential tormentors, or, if they do, no one believes them. If the leaders can finally be convinced that the abuse took place, the offenders receive a slap on the wrist; and within a few months or years, as scrutiny slackens, the abuse cycle begins anew, with fresh prey.

    ABC Nightline presents the case of Candace Conti, now in her 20s, who says she was sexually assaulted many times when she was a child, by a fellow Jehovah’s Witness named Jonathan Kendrick.....

  • _Morpheus

    Nice promo :)

  • Giordano

    The JW's are not going to consider Mr. Dawkins as creditable. But Richard Dawkins definitely has the respect of thinking people around the world.............. so I for one appreciate his weighing in.

    the offenders receive a slap on the wrist; and within a few months or years, as scrutiny slackens, the abuse cycle begins anew,with fresh prey.

  • flipper
    Good to hear Cofty- this case needs as much media coverage and exposure as possible. Thanks for posting
  • prologos

    While Mr. Dawkins is at it, might he consider exposing the failure of the authorities to protect 1600 children's sexual exploitation in just one county, Rotham? to get a ratio of the problem in the wt's worldwide jurisdiction? Cameron's proposed law would make all authorities think twice before shielding child rapists, and their protectors,-- from prison where they belong.

  • Phizzy
    Camerons proposed law would not apply to JW's, it does not go far enough.
  • OnTheWayOut
    All coverage is good coverage. This won't reach too many JW's, but a few atheists will have something about which to ask the cart monitors.
  • Vidiot
    Didn't Dawkins write a take-down of the old WT Creation book?

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